Better freight location and performance data
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Action Area 4
No. | Initiative | Jurisdiction | Timeframe | Progress | |
4.1 | 336 | Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard | Cth | Ongoing | Phase 1 of the Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard has been complete and will be released on the National Freight Data Hub later in 2021. The dashboard, which is based on the TraNSIT freight mapping for 140 commodities, allows users to interactively compare freight costs across commodities and regions for each stage of the supply chain. This allows identification of potential inefficiencies and bottlenecks that can be used to inform infrastructure investment. |
4.1 | 337 | National Freight Data Hub — $5.2 million | Cth | 2019 - 2025 | In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government committed $16.5 million over four years to establish the National Freight Data Hub. This builds on the $5.2 million provided in the 2019-20 Budget to settle the design of the Hub. The Hub will be a federated data sharing network that has an initial focus on governments providing better access to their data; facilitates data exchange, including by establishing data standards; and promotes leadership and innovation. Over the last two years, extensive consultations have been undertaken with industry and other stakeholders to establish the data priorities for the Hub and the technology, governance and funding arrangements. As well, a prototype website has been developed to demonstrate the value of better access to freight data. The prototype Hub website was launched in May 2021. It includes:
Over the next four years, the Hub will build on and improve the prototype website with additional datasets and visualisations across all freight modes and more supply chains. |
4.1 | 338 | Freight Data Exchange Pilot — $3.3 million | Cth | 2019 - 2023 | The Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics has contracted services to undertake a survey of freight supply chain information management systems in use across Australian freight and related industries. The work is due to commence in late June 2021 and be completed by end March 2022. The Freight Data Exchange team has liaised with a range of industry supply chain operators, including participants in selected horticultural supply chains and health-care product supply chains, with a view to establishing additional (real-time) freight data exchange case studies. No additional case studies have yet been agreed. The Australian Bureau of Statistics completed and released Survey of Motor Vehicle Use estimates of freight (and passenger) vehicle use for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020, on 23 December 2020. |
4.1 | 339 | International benchmarking of key import and export supply chains | Cth | 2020 - 2021 | Since the 2019 pilot, continued progress on developing and providing international benchmarking capability has included:
Work is underway to develop the next phase of the benchmarking project, which will be included in the Commonwealth implementation plan. For more information and to access the benchmarking resources, see: projects/supply-chain. |
4.1 | 340 | Port of Brisbane Rail Access Study | Cth, Qld | 2018 - 2022 | A Preliminary Evaluation has been completed and two potential corridors have been identified. The findings of the Preliminary Evaluation will be released publicly. Initial planning and the Preliminary Evaluation cost $1.5 million. The Australian Government has committed $20 million to do further planning to refine the findings of the Preliminary Evaluation and to progress towards a Business Case. The further planning will include a market sounding process and is expected to be completed by late 2022. |
4.1 | 341 | Inland Rail Supply Chain Mapping Study | Cth | 2018 - 2021 | The Inland Rail Supply Chain Mapping Project, using the CSIRO’s Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT), provides the underlying data to assist industrial enterprises to improve the competitiveness of their supply chains. For this project, TraNSIT analysed more than 175,000 annual transport movements of 140 commodities associated with nearly 5,000 industrial enterprises and 11,000 supply chains. The project results provide evidence to inform future public or private complementary investments or operational changes to leverage the benefits of Inland Rail. Early results of the project were released 28 May 2021 and show that an average potential transport cost reduction of 39 per cent can be achieved by shifting freight from road to Inland Rail for part of a supply chain journey. Freight travelling the full length of Inland Rail between Melbourne and Brisbane could achieve a higher transport cost reduction of 44 per cent. The results of the project indicate that the benefits from Inland Rail will be widespread, with industrial enterprises as far as Townsville, Perth and Launceston potentially benefiting from its use. Final reporting of the reference case modelling of the potential transport cost reductions from Inland Rail is expected by October 2021. |
4.1 | 342 | Inland Rail Freight Corridor Survey | Cth | 2019 - 2021 | Phase 1 of the Corridor Survey project was completed in 2019 for the Australian Government by BIS Oxford Economics and Sydney University’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, and consisted of a stocktake and review of available data, research activities and potential supply of new data. This work informed strategies for filling the identified data gaps. Work is underway by the Australian Government and its consultants on Phase 2 data collection and survey activities for major land transport corridors between Victoria and Queensland to inform an evidence-based view of key freight flows and supply chains and their comparative performance. Due to the impacts of COVID-19, final reporting of Phase 2 results is expected by the first quarter 2022. |
4.1 | 343 | Research on road operator data for use by connected and automated vehicles | All, Austroads | TBD | Austroads will commence a project in 2021-22 entitled Connected vehicle and road agency data exchange. The project is expected to have a delivery time of three years and will investigate data exchange between vehicles and road managers. Another Austroads project, Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles, is looking at the government-owned data road agencies may need to provide to map makers, and to connected and automated vehicles and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems providers. This work is complementary to the recent National Transport Commission project looking at priority use cases and possible frameworks for exchanging data. This work is intended to position Australia so that data flowing to and from emerging vehicle technologies is nationally consistent and fits with developing international standards where necessary. This is essential in preparing for emerging vehicle technologies (including in the context of heavy vehicles) and reducing the barriers to manufacturers bringing these technologies into Australia. |
4.1 | 344 | Office of Supply Chain Resilience (OSCR) | Cth | Ongoing | In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced it will establish an Office of Supply Chain Resilience from 1 July 2021 to monitor critical supply chains and coordinate whole-of-government responses to improve ongoing access to critical goods and services. |
4.1 | 345 | Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (new) | Cth | 2020-21 - 2023-24 | A first tranche of detailed analysis was completed in April 2021. The analysis involved extensive collaboration with industry and informed the development of the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan and Supply Chain Resilience Initiative grant guidelines. A second tranche of analysis into semi-conductors, water treatment chemicals and telecommunications equipment will be completed in October 2021. Matched grants of between $50,000 and $2 million are available for businesses which can help address supply chain vulnerabilities identified as product categories of focus in a Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan. |
4.1 | 346 | Publish and update freight forecasts and performance measure data | NSW | Ongoing | Completed. NSW has conducted significant work in publishing freight forecasts and models along with data sets and performance metrics, visualisations and reports. |
4.1 | 347 | Enhance freight data | NSW | 3 – 5 years | Completed a “NSW Freight Data Hub” on the Transport for NSW website that links multiple sources of data to support evidence-driven decisions. Significant data sets have been made available at the NSW Open Data Hub along with freight metric visualisations. |
4.1 | 348 | Investigate productivity boosting technologies for Port Botany | NSW | 5 – 10 years | Transport for NSW has commenced development of a Port Efficiency Strategy, with an initial focus on Port Botany that will identify initiatives. |
4.1 | 349 | Queensland Freight Model | Qld | Ongoing - 2024 | The Queensland Freight Model was constructed to assist in understanding the drivers of heavy vehicle traffic and the movement of commodities across Queensland. The model uses research-based supply chain data regarding commodity movements for Queensland’s largest industries, economic growth forecasts, vehicle operating costs, and a heavy vehicle network to model movement of commodities on road. The model has recently undergone its second major development iteration and forms part of an on-going freight, goods and services modelling program of work. Potential applications for the model include regional transport planning, heavy vehicle planning, investment prioritisation, road asset management, and more. The model can be interrogated to report on aggregate statistics such as total tonne kilometres travelled or vehicle operating costs as well as very detailed select link analyses to better understand the movement of types of commodities along specific parts of the network. |
4.1 | 350 | Development of an open data portal | WA | Short term | The Data WA portal continues to grow. It currently provides over 2,300 discoverable datasets compared to 1,900 datasets last year. An improvement project is underway to make it easier to discover authoritative data sources and access a wider range of data. This includes more advanced search capability and improved tools. A new look portal was launched May 2021 with easier navigation and emphasis on data collaboration through the community forum and public sector community (the Western Australian Land Information System (WALIS) community) working group pages. One WALIS project led by WA is the development of a business case for WA routable transport network digital infrastructure to service multiple public sector agencies. |
4.1 | 351 | Compliance Automation Project | WA | Short term | WA continues to participate in national forums relating to the delivery of the Compliance Automation System. The development of the WA Heavy Vehicle Compliance Automation System is on track for delivery in October 2021. |
4.1 | 352 | Commercial Vehicle Survey | WA | Short term | The commercial vehicle survey commenced in February 2021 and data collection is on track to be completed by September 2021, subject to COVID-19 restrictions. The final data set is anticipated to be delivered by March 2022. |
4.1 | 353 | Unified Digital Commercial Movements Platform (UDCMP) Project (new) | WA, Freight and Logistics Council of WA, City of Canning | December 2021 | This proof of concept project is investigating the viability of a digital platform that can handle and analyse real time and historical freight vehicle data, while facilitating predictive analytics capability to determine optimal daily freight routes between the City of Canning local government area and the Fremantle Inner Harbour. Key project milestones were achieved in 2020-21, including securing proof of concept funding, engaging project developer, confirming data source partners and IT hosting and tenancy agreement. |
4.1 | 354 | FreightSync Roadmap: Linking Road Freight Data and Traffic Management Systems in Real Time for Mutual Benefit (new) | Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre led by Curtin University, WA | 2020 - 2021 | This proof of concept aims to demonstrate the mutual benefits for government and the freight sector to link road freight data and traffic management systems in real time, in pursuit of enhanced freight operations and improved transport network management outcomes. Two reports were completed in 2020-21:
The project is now developing a pilot program with WA based partners including Main Roads WA, the Department of Transport, the Fremantle Ports Authority and a property developer. |
4.1 | 355 | Development of transport analytics, data analysis and application (new) | SA | Ongoing | See Development of transport analytics, data analysis and application under Action 3.1. |
4.1 | 356 | Tasmanian Freight Survey | Tas | Ongoing | The Tasmanian Freight Survey is a regular survey of freight movements across Tasmania undertaken by the Tasmanian Government. The Survey is unique in focusing on whole of supply chain data and information, capturing commodity type, volume, transport mode, route, packaging and end market. The survey has proven valuable in understanding how major freight supply chains across Tasmania operate. Data is collected direct from companies. The 2020 Survey was delayed due to the impacts of COVID-19, however the Government is preparing to undertake a survey based on 2021-22 data. |
4.1 | 357 | Collection of video-based origin destination data, traffic count and classification data | ACT | Short - medium term | The ACT undertakes regular traffic counts and classification data on main freight routes to support planning and operation of the road network. The ACT has implemented a heavy vehicle camera on Federal Highway as part of the National Safety Camera Network. The ACT has also sought funding, albeit unsuccessful, to install another camera on Barton Highway, through the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative program, to improve heavy vehicle monitoring and to enable the ACT Government and more widely the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to improve on-road compliance and safety. Barton Highway is a Tier 1 National Freight Route connecting the ACT with NSW and Victoria and provides vital linkages for not only the ACT but also surrounding south-eastern regional NSW. |
4.1 | 358 | Understanding freight flows | ACT | Ongoing | The ACT utilises freight data to plan capital works across the network, identify infrastructure investment needs and inform funding applications for Australian Government match-funding programs under the National Partnership Agreement for Land Transport Infrastructure Projects. |
4.1 | 359 | Industry surveying to be factored in planning | ACT, NatRoad | Short term | The outcome of an industry survey undertaken in 2019, in collaboration with NatRoad, was considered in the planning of major road infrastructure projects. The survey collected the views of industry drivers and road transport operators about heavy vehicle rest areas, their locational requirements, and the types of facilities. The need for a significant layover and rest facility on Monaro highway was identified by freight industry in the ACT. A design for a heavy vehicle rest area is currently included in the Monaro Highway upgrade project scope. |
4.1 | 360 | National Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Guidance – urban freight demand modelling | All | Short term | As part of the Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Steering Committee, the ACT had contributed to the development of the national guidance on urban freight modelling through review of the draft materials to ensure consistency in modelling freight demand, or heavy vehicle movements, in urban transport models across jurisdictions. The Urban Freight Modelling guidance would assist the ACT in developing an urban freight model to help inform transport infrastructure planning and policy decisions. Concurrently, the ACT has initiated a Commercial Vehicle Scoping Study that explores how a commercial vehicle/freight model would fit within the Canberra Strategic Transport Model and provides a roadmap and recommendations for future data collection and model development. See related item Development of Australian Transport Assessment and Planning urban freight modelling guidelines under Action 3.2. |
Action 4.1
Develop an evidence-based view of key freight flows and supply chains and their comparative performance to drive improved government and industry decision-making, investment and operations
Where do we want to be by 2024?
- Improved freight data collection, sharing and analysis practices to enable industry and government freight sector participants to make better informed operational, planning and investment decisions.
- Consistent and regular data is made available to enable forecasting of freight movements and demand with high degrees of certainty.
- Performance benchmarking of Australia’s key import and export supply chains against international competitors to identify best practices and areas requiring reform.
- Appropriate and fit-for-purpose approaches to data collection and use by emerging transport technologies, including connected and automated vehicles.
No. | Initiative | Jurisdiction | Timeframe | Progress | |
4.1 | 336 | Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard | Cth | Ongoing | Phase 1 of the Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard has been complete and will be released on the National Freight Data Hub later in 2021. The dashboard, which is based on the TraNSIT freight mapping for 140 commodities, allows users to interactively compare freight costs across commodities and regions for each stage of the supply chain. This allows identification of potential inefficiencies and bottlenecks that can be used to inform infrastructure investment. |
4.1 | 337 | National Freight Data Hub — $5.2 million | Cth | 2019 - 2025 | In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government committed $16.5 million over four years to establish the National Freight Data Hub. This builds on the $5.2 million provided in the 2019-20 Budget to settle the design of the Hub. The Hub will be a federated data sharing network that has an initial focus on governments providing better access to their data; facilitates data exchange, including by establishing data standards; and promotes leadership and innovation. Over the last two years, extensive consultations have been undertaken with industry and other stakeholders to establish the data priorities for the Hub and the technology, governance and funding arrangements. As well, a prototype website has been developed to demonstrate the value of better access to freight data. The prototype Hub website was launched in May 2021. It includes:
Over the next four years, the Hub will build on and improve the prototype website with additional datasets and visualisations across all freight modes and more supply chains. |
4.1 | 338 | Freight Data Exchange Pilot — $3.3 million | Cth | 2019 - 2023 | The Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics has contracted services to undertake a survey of freight supply chain information management systems in use across Australian freight and related industries. The work is due to commence in late June 2021 and be completed by end March 2022. The Freight Data Exchange team has liaised with a range of industry supply chain operators, including participants in selected horticultural supply chains and health-care product supply chains, with a view to establishing additional (real-time) freight data exchange case studies. No additional case studies have yet been agreed. The Australian Bureau of Statistics completed and released Survey of Motor Vehicle Use estimates of freight (and passenger) vehicle use for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020, on 23 December 2020. |
4.1 | 339 | International benchmarking of key import and export supply chains | Cth | 2020 - 2021 | Since the 2019 pilot, continued progress on developing and providing international benchmarking capability has included:
Work is underway to develop the next phase of the benchmarking project, which will be included in the Commonwealth implementation plan. For more information and to access the benchmarking resources, see: projects/supply-chain. |
4.1 | 340 | Port of Brisbane Rail Access Study | Cth, Qld | 2018 - 2022 | A Preliminary Evaluation has been completed and two potential corridors have been identified. The findings of the Preliminary Evaluation will be released publicly. Initial planning and the Preliminary Evaluation cost $1.5 million. The Australian Government has committed $20 million to do further planning to refine the findings of the Preliminary Evaluation and to progress towards a Business Case. The further planning will include a market sounding process and is expected to be completed by late 2022. |
4.1 | 341 | Inland Rail Supply Chain Mapping Study | Cth | 2018 - 2021 | The Inland Rail Supply Chain Mapping Project, using the CSIRO’s Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT), provides the underlying data to assist industrial enterprises to improve the competitiveness of their supply chains. For this project, TraNSIT analysed more than 175,000 annual transport movements of 140 commodities associated with nearly 5,000 industrial enterprises and 11,000 supply chains. The project results provide evidence to inform future public or private complementary investments or operational changes to leverage the benefits of Inland Rail. Early results of the project were released 28 May 2021 and show that an average potential transport cost reduction of 39 per cent can be achieved by shifting freight from road to Inland Rail for part of a supply chain journey. Freight travelling the full length of Inland Rail between Melbourne and Brisbane could achieve a higher transport cost reduction of 44 per cent. The results of the project indicate that the benefits from Inland Rail will be widespread, with industrial enterprises as far as Townsville, Perth and Launceston potentially benefiting from its use. Final reporting of the reference case modelling of the potential transport cost reductions from Inland Rail is expected by October 2021. |
4.1 | 342 | Inland Rail Freight Corridor Survey | Cth | 2019 - 2021 | Phase 1 of the Corridor Survey project was completed in 2019 for the Australian Government by BIS Oxford Economics and Sydney University’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, and consisted of a stocktake and review of available data, research activities and potential supply of new data. This work informed strategies for filling the identified data gaps. Work is underway by the Australian Government and its consultants on Phase 2 data collection and survey activities for major land transport corridors between Victoria and Queensland to inform an evidence-based view of key freight flows and supply chains and their comparative performance. Due to the impacts of COVID-19, final reporting of Phase 2 results is expected by the first quarter 2022. |
4.1 | 343 | Research on road operator data for use by connected and automated vehicles | All, Austroads | TBD | Austroads will commence a project in 2021-22 entitled Connected vehicle and road agency data exchange. The project is expected to have a delivery time of three years and will investigate data exchange between vehicles and road managers. Another Austroads project, Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles, is looking at the government-owned data road agencies may need to provide to map makers, and to connected and automated vehicles and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems providers. This work is complementary to the recent National Transport Commission project looking at priority use cases and possible frameworks for exchanging data. This work is intended to position Australia so that data flowing to and from emerging vehicle technologies is nationally consistent and fits with developing international standards where necessary. This is essential in preparing for emerging vehicle technologies (including in the context of heavy vehicles) and reducing the barriers to manufacturers bringing these technologies into Australia. |
4.1 | 344 | Office of Supply Chain Resilience (OSCR) | Cth | Ongoing | In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced it will establish an Office of Supply Chain Resilience from 1 July 2021 to monitor critical supply chains and coordinate whole-of-government responses to improve ongoing access to critical goods and services. |
4.1 | 345 | Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (new) | Cth | 2020-21 - 2023-24 | A first tranche of detailed analysis was completed in April 2021. The analysis involved extensive collaboration with industry and informed the development of the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan and Supply Chain Resilience Initiative grant guidelines. A second tranche of analysis into semi-conductors, water treatment chemicals and telecommunications equipment will be completed in October 2021. Matched grants of between $50,000 and $2 million are available for businesses which can help address supply chain vulnerabilities identified as product categories of focus in a Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan. |
4.1 | 346 | Publish and update freight forecasts and performance measure data | NSW | Ongoing | Completed. NSW has conducted significant work in publishing freight forecasts and models along with data sets and performance metrics, visualisations and reports. |
4.1 | 347 | Enhance freight data | NSW | 3 – 5 years | Completed a “NSW Freight Data Hub” on the Transport for NSW website that links multiple sources of data to support evidence-driven decisions. Significant data sets have been made available at the NSW Open Data Hub along with freight metric visualisations. |
4.1 | 348 | Investigate productivity boosting technologies for Port Botany | NSW | 5 – 10 years | Transport for NSW has commenced development of a Port Efficiency Strategy, with an initial focus on Port Botany that will identify initiatives. |
4.1 | 349 | Queensland Freight Model | Qld | Ongoing - 2024 | The Queensland Freight Model was constructed to assist in understanding the drivers of heavy vehicle traffic and the movement of commodities across Queensland. The model uses research-based supply chain data regarding commodity movements for Queensland’s largest industries, economic growth forecasts, vehicle operating costs, and a heavy vehicle network to model movement of commodities on road. The model has recently undergone its second major development iteration and forms part of an on-going freight, goods and services modelling program of work. Potential applications for the model include regional transport planning, heavy vehicle planning, investment prioritisation, road asset management, and more. The model can be interrogated to report on aggregate statistics such as total tonne kilometres travelled or vehicle operating costs as well as very detailed select link analyses to better understand the movement of types of commodities along specific parts of the network. |
4.1 | 350 | Development of an open data portal | WA | Short term | The Data WA portal continues to grow. It currently provides over 2,300 discoverable datasets compared to 1,900 datasets last year. An improvement project is underway to make it easier to discover authoritative data sources and access a wider range of data. This includes more advanced search capability and improved tools. A new look portal was launched May 2021 with easier navigation and emphasis on data collaboration through the community forum and public sector community (the Western Australian Land Information System (WALIS) community) working group pages. One WALIS project led by WA is the development of a business case for WA routable transport network digital infrastructure to service multiple public sector agencies. |
4.1 | 351 | Compliance Automation Project | WA | Short term | WA continues to participate in national forums relating to the delivery of the Compliance Automation System. The development of the WA Heavy Vehicle Compliance Automation System is on track for delivery in October 2021. |
4.1 | 352 | Commercial Vehicle Survey | WA | Short term | The commercial vehicle survey commenced in February 2021 and data collection is on track to be completed by September 2021, subject to COVID-19 restrictions. The final data set is anticipated to be delivered by March 2022. |
4.1 | 353 | Unified Digital Commercial Movements Platform (UDCMP) Project (new) | WA, Freight and Logistics Council of WA, City of Canning | December 2021 | This proof of concept project is investigating the viability of a digital platform that can handle and analyse real time and historical freight vehicle data, while facilitating predictive analytics capability to determine optimal daily freight routes between the City of Canning local government area and the Fremantle Inner Harbour. Key project milestones were achieved in 2020-21, including securing proof of concept funding, engaging project developer, confirming data source partners and IT hosting and tenancy agreement. |
4.1 | 354 | FreightSync Roadmap: Linking Road Freight Data and Traffic Management Systems in Real Time for Mutual Benefit (new) | Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre led by Curtin University, WA | 2020 - 2021 | This proof of concept aims to demonstrate the mutual benefits for government and the freight sector to link road freight data and traffic management systems in real time, in pursuit of enhanced freight operations and improved transport network management outcomes. Two reports were completed in 2020-21:
The project is now developing a pilot program with WA based partners including Main Roads WA, the Department of Transport, the Fremantle Ports Authority and a property developer. |
4.1 | 355 | Development of transport analytics, data analysis and application (new) | SA | Ongoing | See Development of transport analytics, data analysis and application under Action 3.1. |
4.1 | 356 | Tasmanian Freight Survey | Tas | Ongoing | The Tasmanian Freight Survey is a regular survey of freight movements across Tasmania undertaken by the Tasmanian Government. The Survey is unique in focusing on whole of supply chain data and information, capturing commodity type, volume, transport mode, route, packaging and end market. The survey has proven valuable in understanding how major freight supply chains across Tasmania operate. Data is collected direct from companies. The 2020 Survey was delayed due to the impacts of COVID-19, however the Government is preparing to undertake a survey based on 2021-22 data. |
4.1 | 357 | Collection of video-based origin destination data, traffic count and classification data | ACT | Short - medium term | The ACT undertakes regular traffic counts and classification data on main freight routes to support planning and operation of the road network. The ACT has implemented a heavy vehicle camera on Federal Highway as part of the National Safety Camera Network. The ACT has also sought funding, albeit unsuccessful, to install another camera on Barton Highway, through the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative program, to improve heavy vehicle monitoring and to enable the ACT Government and more widely the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to improve on-road compliance and safety. Barton Highway is a Tier 1 National Freight Route connecting the ACT with NSW and Victoria and provides vital linkages for not only the ACT but also surrounding south-eastern regional NSW. |
4.1 | 358 | Understanding freight flows | ACT | Ongoing | The ACT utilises freight data to plan capital works across the network, identify infrastructure investment needs and inform funding applications for Australian Government match-funding programs under the National Partnership Agreement for Land Transport Infrastructure Projects. |
4.1 | 359 | Industry surveying to be factored in planning | ACT, NatRoad | Short term | The outcome of an industry survey undertaken in 2019, in collaboration with NatRoad, was considered in the planning of major road infrastructure projects. The survey collected the views of industry drivers and road transport operators about heavy vehicle rest areas, their locational requirements, and the types of facilities. The need for a significant layover and rest facility on Monaro highway was identified by freight industry in the ACT. A design for a heavy vehicle rest area is currently included in the Monaro Highway upgrade project scope. |
4.1 | 360 | National Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Guidance – urban freight demand modelling | All | Short term | As part of the Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Steering Committee, the ACT had contributed to the development of the national guidance on urban freight modelling through review of the draft materials to ensure consistency in modelling freight demand, or heavy vehicle movements, in urban transport models across jurisdictions. The Urban Freight Modelling guidance would assist the ACT in developing an urban freight model to help inform transport infrastructure planning and policy decisions. Concurrently, the ACT has initiated a Commercial Vehicle Scoping Study that explores how a commercial vehicle/freight model would fit within the Canberra Strategic Transport Model and provides a roadmap and recommendations for future data collection and model development. See related item Development of Australian Transport Assessment and Planning urban freight modelling guidelines under Action 3.2. |