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Action Area 2

  No. Initiative Jurisdiction Timeframe Progress
2.1 143 Modernising agricultural trade — $32.4 million Cth 2018 - 2022 Over the next three years the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will continue implementing reforms to benefit our exporters. The changes will expedite the regulatory processes needed to get products to market and reduce administrative effort. Modernising the department’s export ICT services through implementing a suite of contemporary and connected digital services is the most significant reform.
2.1 144 National Rail Action Plan Work Program – Interoperability Standards Cth Phase 1 2019 – 2021, Phase 2 2021-24 In May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers noted the successful delivery of the National Rail Action Plan and committed to further work and funding over the next three years to support initiatives including:
  • priority rolling stock and infrastructure standards, a national rolling stock register and consideration of an approach to radio communications and
  • an interoperability framework to improve the productivity and safe running of the national rail network and assist the compatibility between different technological and communications systems.

The National Rail Action Plan involves ongoing collaboration between governments and industry to support longer term productivity and safety benefits for the rail sector.


Queensland continues to participate in the relevant working groups as part of the implementation the National Rail Action Plan being led by the National Transport Commission.

Western Australia

WA continues to attend the National Rail Action Plan Common Standards and Harmonisation Steering Committee meetings. The industry survey undertaken by the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board has now closed and the committee will consider the results with regards to areas to prioritise for standardisation.


Tasmania is a participant at a national level but is not connected to the national rail network. However, Tasmania is supporting the principles of the Plan by investing in rail infrastructure/equipment, which allows for coordination and interoperability across the total supply chain. For example:

  • Trialling unitising bulk logs so they can be transported by road, rail and sea on a common platform.
  • Investing in truck weighbridges at rail heads to integrate modes (road and rail) across the supply chain.
  • Expanding common facilities that integrate rail/road and sea.
2.1 145 Ongoing harmonisation of national vehicle safety standards for freight vehicles All Ongoing The Australian Design Rules provide national standards for vehicle safety (including freight vehicles). See National Harmonisation Program under Action 3.3.
2.1 146 Implementation of the International Maritime Organization’s mandate on electronic exchange of international maritime traffic information Cth Ongoing The Australian Government is working toward the establishment of a maritime single window, which would enable all information required by government in connection to the arrival, stay and departure of a ship to be submitted via a single online portal. The maritime single window will result in improved efficiency of international maritime traffic, simplifying through minimising the formalities, documentary requirements and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged in international voyages. A maritime single window is a requirement under the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention), of which Australia is a signatory. The Australian Government continues to engage in negotiations at the IMO on changes to the FAL Convention, amendments to the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business (the software tool to develop maritime single windows) and on international guidelines for the development of maritime single windows, including authentication and harmonisation of information exchanges. The maritime single window will be interoperable with other Australian Government digital portals under development such as the trade single window – the main element of the simplified trade system reform agenda, which will deliver harmonised, simplified and integrated regulation, data and systems at the border.
2.1 147 M4 Smart Motorway Project NSW Ongoing Completed. The NSW Government’s first smart motorway, the M4 Smart Motorway project, was permanently switched on in December 2020 to introduce intelligent technology to the M4 Motorway between Pitt Street, Mays Hill and Mulgoa Road, Penrith.
2.1 148 Optimise freight train cycle times NSW 0 - 2 years This initiative is ongoing as Transport for NSW continues to work with rail network owners and rail freight operators to optimise freight train cycle times, as the freight rail timetable on the shared Sydney network is continuously evolving and NSW seeks to implement a regional rail corridor strategy.
2.1 149 Voluntary Port Performance Model Vic   The Voluntary Port Performance Model arose from the Port Infrastructure Pricing and Access Review, completed in the 2019-20 annual progress report. The Model consists of a Voluntary Pricing Protocol which governs notification processes and timing for stevedore landside fees and charges, as well as the development of quarterly performance metrics to provide transparency to industry and Government on the performance of the Port of Melbourne landside container supply chain. The first Voluntary Performance Monitoring Framework Quarterly Report was published in early July 2021 to widespread positive media coverage, and a data protocol is being prepared ahead of the next request to stevedores, with work planned to continue improving the reporting methodology over the next 12 – 18 months. The report is available at transport.vic.gov.au/ports-and-freight/commercial-ports/ voluntary-port-performance-model/performance-indicator-dashboard. An expert consultant has been selected to provide advisory support, including the production of the quarterly reports throughout 2021-22, and commenced in June 2021. The Voluntary Pricing Protocol was published in July 2020 and the Victorian Government has committed to continue to listen to stakeholder feedback. Work is currently being undertaken by the National Transport Commission, which is assessing the potential for introduction of a national version of the Voluntary Port Performance Model.
2.1 150 Heavy Vehicle Safety Action Plan Qld 2019 - 2021 The first of six Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) enabled rest area sites (at Ogmore) was operational at the end of October 2020. A further five ITS enabled sites as part of the Bruce Highway rest area trial are due for completion during 2021.
2.1 151 Trade Community System WA, NSW, Qld Medium term Following a successful proof of concept phase conducted by the Port of Brisbane in 2019-20, progress was made with Australian and New Zealand ports, including Fremantle Ports, to progress a Trade Community System pilot. This was intended to validate the commercial proposition in support of a Trade Community System. However, the Australian port-led initiative has been delayed due to a lack of funding, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 emergency. New South Wales has taken the lead on the project and WA will provide input as required.
2.1 152 ACT Transport Strategy 2020 ACT Medium term The ACT Government released a new Transport Strategy in 2020, building on community feedback on the draft Transport Strategy (Moving Canberra) and acknowledging the impact of COVID-19 on transport and travel in the ACT going forward. The ACT Transport Strategy carries forward the vision of the ACT Freight Strategy 2016 to deliver an efficient, safe and sustainable freight network and services for a growing ACT and regional economy while protecting urban amenity. It supports the implementation of the ACT Freight Strategy 2016 by providing a policy plan for freight movement to be prioritised on key orbital routes connecting the Canberra region, NSW and Victoria to industrial areas. Additionally, it recognises that freight hubs will provide an opportunity for the city to capitalise on the potential for freight in the Canberra region, opened by Canberra Airport as an international gateway. It also encourages exploration of the uptake of zero-emissions freight in the ACT as a way to reduce carbon emissions from transport.
2.1 153 Exploring how telematics and other intelligence transport systems can be used to optimise operations and planning ACT TBD The ACT has initiated access to Transport Certification Australia’s Telematics Analytics Platform for activation in the coming financial year. This will provide more detailed information of freight movements within the ACT including journey and speed maps of heavy vehicles.
2.2 154 Engage, inform and attract potential new workforce entrants (e.g. retrenched workers and other job seekers) to the freight and logistics industry Cth 2019 - 2021 The Australian Government’s Your Career website was launched in October 2020 (yourcareer.gov.au). The Your Career website is a platform of the National Careers Institute. It is designed to provide clear and simple careers information and to help people of all ages and circumstances better plan and manage their career. A dedicated freight and supply chain page has also been created on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Jobs Hub . It includes tailored job search and employment planning information to build understanding of and connections to employment opportunities in the sector. The Australian Government will continue to work with relevant stakeholders to inform the development of resources for a wide range of job seekers looking for entry-level work and explore the most appropriate mechanisms for promoting this information to job seekers and employment service providers
2.2 155 Work with freight and logistics industry employers to establish new recruitment and pre-employment pathways that place retrenched workers and other job seekers into jobs in the sector Cth Ongoing The Australian Government has in the past made connections with a range of peak bodies to promote the opportunities available for employers to work with the Commonwealth to establish recruitment and pre-employment pathways for entry-level workers into the supply chain and logistics industry. A pre-employment project was trialled in the trucking industry using the Launch into Work program. The Launch into Work program is the Australian Government’s leading tool for directly engaging employers in trialling new recruitment methods. The project involved creating an alternative entry pathway for women committed to taking on a career as atruck driver. The Australian Government will continue to work with employers with the aim of rolling out more of these opportunities.
2.2 156 jobactive Cth 2018 - 2022 jobactive is the Australian Government’s initiative to get more Australians into work. Providers connect job seekers with employers, including the placement of job seekers into roles in the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry. jobactive providers can use the Employment Fund to assist job seekers into work by providing financial support for employer-required accredited training, work clothing, safety equipment, work-related licensing and transport. The Australian Government continues to develop the capability of providers in placing job seekers into supply chain and logistics roles. In July 2022, the Australian Government will launch the New Employment Services Model. Online servicing of job seekers who are most ready for work is a key feature of the model. The model seeks to better meet the needs of a wide range of employers and industries.
2.2 157 Employment Facilitators Cth Ongoing The Local Jobs Program supports tailored approaches to accelerate reskilling, upskilling and employment. In the 2021-22 Budget, the Program was expanded from 25 Employment Regions to cover all 51 Employment Regions across Australia and extended to 30 June 2025. The Program provides an Employment Facilitator in each region; a Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce and Local Jobs Plan in each region; projects funded through a Local Recovery Fund; and a $50 million National Priority Funding Pool. Employment Facilitators provide practical local support. For example, Perth South Employment Facilitator has been collaborating with the Western Roads Federation by supporting local linkages and referrals to the Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations Skill Set (funded other JobTrainer), including promoting the course to employment services providers and other stakeholders. The first course started 12 April 2021 with the first 12 participants and new intakes of 12 participants will start every two weeks thereafter.
2.2 158 Development of competency standards for vocational education Cth Ongoing The national training system is the Australian system for vocational education and training. The system is based on occupations skills standards, which are set out in units of competency within training packages. The Australian Industry and Skills Committee currently provides advice to governments on the skills standards and competencies needed by all Australian industries, as well as leadership and guidance to ensure the national training system provides the qualifications, knowledge and skill sets that industry needs, now and into the future. In 2018, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee commissioned the development of cross-sector supply chain skill sets (i.e. nationally recognised short courses) and units of competency for use by multiple industry sectors. The objective was to meet core skills needs that are common across industries, improving the efficiency of the national training system and supporting individuals to move more easily from one related occupation to another. Industry Reference Committees made up of industry leaders from a variety of backgrounds – from big business to small enterprises and peak bodies to unions – provided the formal channel for considering industry skills requirements.
2.2 159 National Rail Plan Work Program – Skills Cth Phase 1 2019–2021, Phase 2 2021-2024 In May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers noted the successful delivery of the National Rail Action Plan and committed to further work and funding over the next three years to support initiatives including creation of a National Rail Skills Hub. The National Skills Hub is intended to co-ordinate between state academies and industry initiatives and improve access and pathways to current and future rail skills needed to build and operate the national rail network. The National Rail Action Plan involves ongoing collaboration between governments and industry to support longer term productivity and safety benefits for the rail sector.
2.2 160 Attracting women into aviation careers — $4 million Cth 2019 - 2022 The Australian Government has committed $4 million over four years from 2018-19 for a range of initiatives to increase female participation in the aviation industry. Over the course of the initiative to date, over 6,500 face to face career conversations between young women, their parents and aviation industry representatives have occurred. While implementation of the program in 2019-20 and 2020-21 was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a range of activities were undertaken including the promotion of aviation careers information at a range of conferences, workshops and careers events. Over the coming year, other events and activities are planned to occur in a number of states and territories.
2.2 161 Women in Transport Program Vic 2017 - 2020 The Women in Transport (WiT) program aims to increase the number of women working in the public transport sector to 30 percent by the end of 2024. As at the end of June 2021, the representation of women within the public transport operators has increased by 7 percentage points, from 21 in Dec 2020 to 28%. Investment in the WiT program now totals $6.25m, including $2.404m from the 2020 Budget. This is an increase of $5.15m since the program began in March 2017. The new WiT Strategy 2021-24 is currently being implemented with 21 new initiatives to continue to improve gender equality in the transport sector.
2.2 162 Licensing of Heavy Vehicle Drivers Review Vic 2020 - 2023 The Victorian Transport Association has been allocated $500,000 per year over three years for the delivery of the Transport and Logistics Industry Based Training Program. This funding will provide for 60 new heavy vehicle drivers into the transport and logistics sector each year until 2022-23, for a total of 240 new heavy vehicle drivers. $1.5 million from the funding program has been distributed to Road Safety Victoria to accelerate the implementation of Austroads work on the national heavy vehicle licensing standards and training, which is being led by Victoria on behalf of all jurisdictions.
2.2 163 Heavy Vehicle Driver Employment Pathways Review Vic TBD The Victorian Heavy Vehicle Licensing and Employment Pathways Review has been conducted to investigate:
  • the extent to which the current heavy vehicle licensing system is producing safe and competent drivers and
  • employment pathways into professional heavy vehicle driving in Victoria.

The licensing stream has considered areas for improvement in the Victorian heavy vehicle licensing system, heavy vehicle licence progression and the adequacy of current training and assessment. The employment pathways component has considered barriers and opportunities to attracting drivers to the industry and retaining them. Both streams of work align with national and Victorian strategic priorities and transport and logistics industry concerns with heavy vehicle driver licensing and employment pathways. The draft report is currently under review by Freight Victoria. The Victorian Transport Association also runs Cadetship and Driver Delivery programs specifically target attracting and retaining younger employees in heavy vehicle driving and the transport sector.

2.2 164 Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan Qld 2018 - 2023 The Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan identified the need for the strategy to reflect the impact of COVID-19 on the industry. An update to the Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2024 was undertaken and published in July 2021 (www.tmr.qld.gov.au/tliconnect).
2.2 165 Development of future- skills standards for the transport and logistics, aviation and maritime sectors Qld Ongoing The Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2024 representatives are from a cross-section of industry modes and sectors, industry associations and the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. The committee meets quarterly and has ongoing engagement and input around skills and training, at a state and national level.
2.2 166 Development of future- skills standards for the transport and logistics, aviation and maritime sectors WA Short term Research had been undertaken by the WA Government and Logistics and Defence Skills Council (Council) into suitable skills pathways, including mentoring and cadetships, in the logistics industry. However, COVID-19 has put all work in this area on hold while industries re-define their future skill needs.
  • As a response to COVID-19, the WA Government in partnership with the Council introduced skill sets/short courses to enable people to pivot to new employment opportunities. These skill sets include Heavy Haulage Driving Operations, Heavy Haulage Driver Operations with Heavy Rigid, Medium Rigid licence or Multi Combination Licensing and Logistics and Warehousing (including Forklift licence).
  • Rail Signalling has been identified as an area of skill shortage in WA. To address this area of skill need, Stage 1 of the METRONET Trade Training Centre at North Metropolitan TAFE’s Midland Campus was finalised in October 2020, with first students commencing in Semester 1 2021 to undertake the Certificate IV in Electrical Rail Signalling. The METRONET Trade Training Centre includes a rail signalling workshop and introduction of electrical rail signalling qualifications.
  • WA is participating in a national working group set up through the National Transport Commission to develop an Action Plan aimed at addressing rail industry skill shortages. Specific to WA, the Bellevue METRONET Railcar Facility was opened in June 2021, which will see the manufacture of 246 METRONET railcars and six new Australind railcars by more than 200 local workers. Manufacture will commence in late 2021 with the first railcars expected on tracks in late 2022.
2.2 167 State Aviation Training Strategy WA Short term The Strategy is intended to cover the future skill needs of the aviation industry in WA. A draft training strategy was prepared at the beginning of 2020, following extensive consultation with key stakeholders by the WA Government and the Logistics Training Council. However, due to COVID-19, the project has been suspended until further notice.
2.2 168 Heavy Vehicle Driver Training Programs and Facilities WA Short term The WA Premier launched the pilot Heavy Vehicle Advanced Skills Driver Training Program to operate from the South Regional TAFE Collie Campus commencing in July 2020. In February 2021, the McGowan Government committed $6.1 million to train more Western Australians in heavy vehicle driving . The Job Ready Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations Skill Set and driver training will train an estimated 1000 skilled workers needed by the transport industry and remove barriers to entry in Heavy Rigid, Heavy Combination or Multi Combination heavy vehicle driving courses. The program is an expansion of a regional pilot program in Collie and is delivered by Central Regional TAFE.
2.2 169 Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer (new) SA 2020 - 2022 The SA Government in partnership with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator are funding the appointment of a Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer to work with the Local Government Association of South Australia for two years. The main aim of the role is to assist the Local Government Association’s members in performing their road manager function under the Heavy Vehicle National Law and to work in partnership with the heavy vehicle freight industry and other stakeholders to undertake a holistic approach in the facilitation of heavy vehicle access whilst protecting investment in public infrastructure. The Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer commenced in July 2020.
2.2 170 Industry Training Hub Cth Ongoing Burnie in North West Tasmania has been identified as a location for one of the Australian Government funded Industry Training Hubs, which aims to deliver future pathways for young Australians for jobs of the future. Young people aged 15-24 in training hub areas will also be eligible to apply for a scholarship to undertake an eligible vocational education and training program of study.
2.2 171 Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Workforce Action Group Tasmania Ongoing Through Skills Tasmania, the Tasmanian Government works with the Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Workforce Action Group, which is supported by the Tasmanian Transport Association. Projects have included developing resources to support recruitment to the top occupations in the sector, attracting women to work in the sector, and workforce planning.
2.2 172 Participation in the truck driver skills and shortage working group ACT Ongoing The ACT participated in the working group looking at truck driver skills and shortage when it was established in June 2019. Following a break arising from COVID-19, the ACT will continue to participate when the working group reconvenes. Hosted by NatRoad, the working group also focuses on consistency of driver competencies and licensing conditions across jurisdictions to underpin a solid road transport network system that supports the freight supply chain.
2.2 173 National Hydrogen Strategy All 2019 - 2030 The National Hydrogen Strategy was agreed by Australian Governments in November 2019. The Strategy outlined nationally coordinated government actions for the development of an Australian hydrogen industry. One action is the completion of National Hydrogen Infrastructure Assessments which includes hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as a priority. The national assessments will take a country-wide approach to mapping and understanding infrastructure needs for an Australian hydrogen industry, and will help the government and investors in their decision-making on hydrogen industry investment and development. The professional services firm ARUP has been engaged to complete the first assessment which is on track to be completed by the end of 2021.

Australian Government

Alongside the Strategy, the Australian Government has committed over $1.2 billion funding to support development of the emerging hydrogen industry. Activities funded under this program may support use of hydrogen in mobility applications. This support is further backed by $1.62 billion in the 2020-21 Budget for Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to support research and development for new technologies to cut emissions in agriculture, manufacturing, industry, and transport. This includes $74.5 million for a Future Fuels Package, to take advantage of opportunities offered by hydrogen, electric, and bio-fuelled vehicles, including through providing funding to support electric vehicle refuelling infrastructure.

New South Wales

The NSW government is currently developing a NSW Hydrogen Strategy, for release later in 2021. The strategy will include identifying strategic road freight corridors for hydrogen refuelling network. NSW will also publish a NSW refuelling network map with existing refuelling stations, including modelling results for station deployment staging based on freight and logistics traffic volumes.


On 11 March 2021, the Queensland Government announced the establishment of a Hydrogen Taskforce to deliver on the Queensland Government’s vision for a sustainable hydrogen industry. The Taskforce is being supported by a Hydrogen Delivery Unit to deliver on the Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019–2024. The Queensland Government is working to identify opportunities for hydrogen use by heavy vehicles (for instance in road freight, public transport) and the principles required for supporting infrastructure.

Western Australia

The WA Renewable Hydrogen Unit within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation is liaising with the National Hydrogen Project Team on a range of topics and themes to ensure continued alignment and information sharing on transport related matters, with the objective of facilitating the utilisation of hydrogen for transport, including for freight.
2.3 174 Freight Energy Productivity Program (new) Cth 2021 - 2024 The King Review Technology Co-investment Fund included a commitment of $24.5 million for a Freight Energy Productivity Program to increase the use of more fuel efficient technology in the road freight sector, reduce fuel use, increase productivity and reduce emissions. The program will be delivered through competitive grants to support efficiency improvements for diesel fleets, and vehicle modifications or new vehicle technologies. The uptake, impact and lessons learned from truck and fleet energy rating systems or equivalents will inform the program.
2.3 175 Future Fuels Strategy, (formerly titled ‘A National Strategy for Electric Vehicles’) Cth 2020 - 2021 The Future Fuels Strategy will support the deployment of a range of new vehicle technologies and fuels. Consultation on the Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper closed on 2 April 2021. Feedback from the consultation will inform the final Strategy to be delivered by the end of 2021. The final strategy will set out the Australian Government’s direction and practical actions that will enable the private sector to commercially deploy low emissions road transport technologies at scale.
2.3 176 Advanced Train Management System Cth 2014 - 2023 The Australian Government is providing $270 million in funding to the Australian Rail Track Corporation for the implementation of the first three stages of the Advanced Train Management System (ATMS). ATMS is an advanced train communication and signalling system that will improve the safety of rail operations as well as delivering reliability and network resilience. In September 2020, the ATMS was fully commissioned and became the primary signalling system between Port Augusta to Whyalla (Stage One). Stage Two (Tarcoola to Kalgoorlie) and Stage 3 (detailed design plus train-borne units Melbourne / Parkes to Perth) are currently underway and are progressing to build capacity for a large-scale deployment. The project is scheduled for completion in mid/late-2023.
2.3 177 Driver fatigue monitoring technology trials (NHVR: $250,000; industry) Cth Ongoing The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) trial of fatigue safety related technologies was completed in 2019. The NHVR has transitioned the trial into a program of work to deliver key recommendations, including establishing of a policy for the potential use of Fatigue and Distraction Detection Technology and conducting an operational pilot to promote voluntary uptake of the technology by industry. An industry user working group has been established to work with the NHVR to deliver the new pilot commencing in mid- 2021.
2.3 178 Future Vehicles and Technology Program All, Austroads Ongoing Austroads’ Future Vehicles and Technology Program is delivering a range of projects relating to vehicle automation and connectivity. The program supports organisations to deliver an improved road transport network that leverages the benefits of emerging technologies whilst minimising some of the risks inevitably faced during a period of such rapid change. The program is focused on four key themes: connected and automated vehicles, digital and physical infrastructure, low and zero emission vehicles, and capability building. Active projects that could facilitate new and innovative technologies that improve freight outcomes include:
  • Connected vehicle agency business capability model
  • Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles
  • Guidance for road agencies supporting cloud connected road users
  • Guidelines to support the installation of low and zero emission vehicle charging and
  • Minimum physical infrastructure standard for the operation of automated driving. New projects that have been approved in the 2021-22 work program include:
    • Connected vehicle and road agency data exchange
    • Foundational research into the potential role of 5G technology in vehicle and infrastructure connectivity and
    • Consistent framework for evaluation and reporting of automated vehicle trials.

Details are available at www.austroads.com.au/drivers-and-vehicles/future-vehicles-and-technology.

2.3 179 Road Safety Innovation Fund — $12 million Cth 2019 - 2023 Two grant rounds for the Road Safety Innovation Fund have been undertaken with the full fund now allocated across 53 projects. Five of the projects funded directly benefit the heavy vehicle industry.
2.3 180 iMove Cooperative Research Centre $55 million matched with $178.8 million in cash and in-kind participant contributions Cth, iMove 2017 - 2027 The Australian Government continues to partner with universities, researchers and industry experts on projects coordinated through the iMove Cooperative Research Centre. Freight-related projects the Australian Government has collaborated on through iMOVE include:
  • A Freight Consignment Data Aggregation pilot, in which the Australian Government participated but did not financially contribute. The pilot assessed the feasibility and utility of aggregating freight consignment event/message data to help inform infrastructure planning and freight policy. This project was part of a three-project series– also including a Supply Chain Freight Data Trial and a Multimodal Supply Chain Trial. These two associated projects aimed to demonstrate capability for industry to access freight data in real time to improve supply chain freight visibility, contributing to increased productivity in supply chains.
  • An initial round of Freight Data Exchange pilot projects to investigate, develop and demonstrate the capability for supply chain partners to share freight consignment information in real time and assess the feasibility of aggregating freight consignment event/message data. The projects contributed to the National Freight Data Hub’s purpose of supporting industry’s day-to-day operational decisions and also provided information to help better inform transport infrastructure planning and freight policy. A follow-up pilot to survey the freight and supply chain industry sector is planned to be undertaken in 2021 (see Action Area 4.1, Freight Data Exchange Pilot). The Government is continuing to consider potential future projects in consultation with iMove and potential industry and research partners. This includes commencing a new project on exploring international best-practice use of digitisation in transport and freight, and identifying barriers and opportunities for Australia.
2.3 181 Implement Key Priority 5.1 (Identify and facilitate emerging technologies that improve freight outcomes) of the National Land Transport Technology Action Plan 2020-2023 All 2020-23 In August 2019 Australian Infrastructure and Transport Ministers agreed an updated National Land Transport Technology Action Plan (2020-23) under the National Land Transport Technology Policy Framework. Priority 5.1 (identify and facilitate emerging technologies that improve freight outcomes) is related to the Action Plan of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. The Australian, State and Territory Governments have been collaborating to develop projects to meet the Action Plan’s priorities. Progress of actions, including priority 5.1, is included in annual reporting on the National Land Transport Technology Action Plan provided to Infrastructure and Transport Ministers each November.
2.3 182 Heavy vehicle platooning on major freight corridors NSW Ongoing Transport for New South Wales is currently engaging with industry and technology suppliers looking at what technology is available for heavy vehicle platooning on major freight corridors.
2.3 183 Intelligent Congestion Management Program NSW Ongoing Release 1 and Release 2 of the Intelligent Congestion Management Program has been delivered on July 2020 and May 2021 respectively. Release 3 development is ongoing and is scheduled to be delivered in April 2022.
2.3 184 Support electric vehicles in high density areas NSW 3 - 5 years Electric vehicle trials are currently on hold to allow for further consultation with all stakeholders.
2.3 185 Undertake kick-start projects to scope the potential for building hydrogen refuelling stations in every state and territory All Ongoin The Queensland Government has committed (through QFleet) to trial five Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in the government fleet. This commitment is supporting the establishment by BOC Ltd of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Brisbane which is scheduled to be operational in 2021. In December 2020, the Queensland Government allocated a further $10 million for a second round of the Hydrogen Industry Development Fund. This round included a focus on transport applications. The Queensland Government has conditionally offered financial assistance to the University of Queensland (UQ) to support a project which will see installation of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station at the UQ Gatton campus and the purchase of two Fuel Cell Electric Buses for the St Lucia to Gatton inter-campus service. The project is aiming to have the buses operating in early-2022.
2.3 186 Drone Network Impact Analysis All Ongoing Queensland has published its findings on the plausible impacts of drone transport services – Drone Network Impact Analysis. These are available at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Community-and-environment/Planning-for-the-future/Emerging-technologies-and-trends.
2.3 187 Strategies to enable wider deployment of low emission vehicles All 2022 The Queensland Government is developing the Zero Net Transport Emission Roadmap, expected to be finalised by early-2022.
2.3 188 Implementation of the Austroads Connected and Automated Vehicle Program All Short term Main Roads WA is part of the Austroads Future Vehicles and Technology Taskforce and actively participates in the existing program of works, which includes the following projects: FCA6239 - Vehicles and technology further state 2030 project and FPI6119 - Automated steering functions, which are now closed; and FDI6216 – Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles (RADCAV). FDI6216 Austroads Road Authority Data for Connected and Automated Vehicles (RADCAV) project studied the provision of agency- owned data to CAVs addressing six high-priority data sets: roadworks, incidents, carriable speed limit signs and lane control signals, static speed limits, traffic signals, and heavy vehicle access restriction. Six data provision reports are produced to provide a general Data Provision Framework that can be used by an agency to build capability in providing data to vehicles for each of these data sets.
2.3 189 Performance-Based Standards Policy for Restricted Access Vehicles WA Short term Complete. WA has established and implemented a Performance Based Standards policy that is supported by a suite of guidelines relating to the application process, assessment process, access arrangements and auditing regime.
2.3 190 Low Emission Strategy development WA Medium term WA participates in the National Low and Zero Emission Vehicle Working Group and continues to contribute to the various actions that underpin the National Low and Zero Emission Vehicle action plan.
2.3 191 Develop a kick start investment fund relating to hydrogen WA Medium term The Renewable Hydrogen Unit is administering the delivery of the WA Renewable Hydrogen Fund that aligns and supports the WA Renewable Hydrogen Strategy. In 2020, round 1 of the Fund announced up to $10 million of grant funding for four capital works projects and seven feasibility studies. Two capital works projects and four feasibility studies with a transport strategic focus area received grant funding. Of these, two transport feasibility studies – Pacific Hydro’s ‘The Ord Hydrogen’ and ATCO Australia’s ‘Clean Energy Innovation Park’ were completed in early 2021. The second round of funding ($5 million) was received in August 2020 under the WA COVID-19 Recovery Plan. This round of funding is currently being finalised with an announcement due in Q3 of 2021.
2.3 192 Investigate low emissions policy levers WA Medium term Under the WA Electric Vehicle Strategy, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles have been included within the definition of electric vehicles in WA policies. The WA Government is collaborating and consulting with transport industry stakeholders on potential policy options to stimulate demand for low and zero emission vehicles, including specific consideration for freight vehicles. An Electric Vehicle Action Plan was released in May 2021. The plan aims to deliver power grid systems requirements to facilitate with the integration of electric vehicles.
2.3 193 Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy WA Long term An Interagency Working Group comprising of key WA agencies including the Department of Transport is continuing to collaborate with WA Renewable Hydrogen Unit to implement the WA Renewable Hydrogen Strategy that identifies transport as one of the four key Strategic Focus Areas.
2.3 194 Real Time Traffic Congestion Management System Tas Complete To combat traffic congestion, the Tasmanian Government has introduced a real Time Traffic Congestion Management System to provide better information for traffic managers and road users through the use of traffic monitoring technology. The System is now fully operational and in use within the Traffic Management Centre. This system is continuously being upgraded to introduce new functionality.
2.3 195 Participation in intergovernmental working groups – energy savings and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions ACT Long term The ACT continues to actively participate in the national work program to accelerate the uptake of low and zero emissions vehicles.
2.3 196 Work with Wing’s World- First-Urban-Based drone delivery services ACT, Wing Short term Wing has been operating a drone delivery service in the ACT since April 2019 and has delivered thousands of packages on behalf of 15 local ACT businesses to residents in the Gungahlin area of north Canberra. The facility Wing is operating from in Mitchell is the first of its kind in the world. Due to increasing demand in Wing’s delivery services, a potential expansion is likely to include services beyond residential areas with quieter drone aircrafts.
2.4 197 Integrating community engagement as a part of freight related projects All, Austroads Ongoing Community engagement is a key part of multiple freight related projects at all levels of government. National Urban Freight Planning Principles: The Principles, endorsed by Infrastructure and Transport Ministers on 28 May 2021, reflect outcomes from public consultation with over 60 organisations and individuals across the planning sector and freight industry. See National Urban Planning Forum under Action 3.2. Queensland industry engagement: Queensland continues to work with government and industry stakeholders to promote the importance of freight through government and industry councils and forums including the Queensland Ministerial Freight Council and the Queensland Transport and Logistic Council. The Queensland Ministerial Freight Council has met a total of 14 times since its first meeting in 2016. Queensland Freight Strategy and Action Plan: The Strategy was released on 5 March 2019 and the Action Plan released on 28 September 2020. The Action Plan is a rolling two-year program of actions informed by industry stakeholder consultation and is made up of five Shared Commitments, two Critical Enablers, 11 Delivery Statements, 21 Actions, 47 Activities and 128 Deliverables. Best Practice Approaches to Road Freight and Communities: This Austroads project developed guidelines for best practice strategies and supporting materials for state, territory and local government road managers to communicate the importance of freight with a particular focus on road freight. This was undertaken within the concept of a ‘social licence to operate’ which refers to the fostering and maintenance of community and stakeholder support for projects and operations. It concluded in October 2020. Inland Rail: See Inland Rail Regional Liaison Offices under Action 2.4.
2.4 198 Safety Truck Campaign — $400,000 (Cth) $20,000 (NHVR provided) Cth 2018 - 2021 In 2018-19, the Australian Government provided $400,000 in funding as a one-off grant to the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) to support the ATA Safety Truck’s redesign and refit. The ATA Safety Truck (SafeT360 Initiative) specifically targets 16- to 25-year-old drivers and vulnerable road users to deliver safety education programs that develop awareness of how to safely share the road with heavy vehicles. The Safety Truck attends industry led community events, career expos, high schools, TAFE and universities and other public events across Australia. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator provides $5,000 per year over four years to support the SafetyT360 program in directly engaging with schools across the country and educating students about sharing the road safely with trucks. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has joined forces with the ATA initiative to help children to become more aware of safety around heavy vehicles.
2.4 199 Inland Rail Regional Liaison Offices Cth Ongoing The Regional Liaison Officers continue to facilitate and enhance the Australian Government’s connections with local communities, businesses, industry and local and state governments. This increased connection has been, and will continue to be, pivotal to building community awareness and acceptance of freight operations. Regional Officers have worked within their respective regions to:
  • Maximise community and industry understanding of the benefits and long-term opportunities of Inland Rail.
  • Provide on the ground support to the Australian Rail Track Corporation as sections of Inland Rail transition from reference design to construction.
  • Communicate business and employment opportunities to local government, industry and community.
  • Provide a locally based point of contact for local government, state government, businesses and industry to respond to enquiries improving connectivity and building key relationships.

The presence of regional offices has also supported effective engagement with communities along the Inland Rail alignment to better understand concerns and optimise benefits for local and regional stakeholders. Offices are located in Wodonga, Dubbo, Toowoomba and Moree.

2.4 200 Heavy Vehicle Safet Initiative — $22.1 million Cth Ongoing As at 30 June 2021, there has been more than $22 million allocated to 89 projects across five rounds of the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative. In 2020-21, $5.5 million was provided for round five of the program. Round five projects included a range of initiatives designed to increase knowledge of safe system road design while others were aimed at improving mental health awareness in the heavy vehicle sector. Round six applications closed on 21 February 2021. Successful applicants will be announced mid-2021.
2.4 201 Leading development and implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 and accompanying Action Plan (new) All 2021 - 2030 On 28 May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers supported the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, placing Australia on a path to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2050. The National Road Safety Strategy has been developed in consultation with states, territories and the local government association through a cross-jurisdictional working group. The draft National Road Safety Action Plan 2021-25 is undergoing a short, targeted consultation process with key road safety stakeholders prior to finalisation and release.
2.4 202 Research into noise impacts of freight operations and effectiveness of mitigation measures to inform future initiatives NSW 3 – 5 years Transport for New South Wales is undertaking a project on key noise issues to inform future programs.
2.4 203 Ensure planning accommodates the growth of the freight task and protects community amenity NSW Ongoing The NSW Government is continuing to plan for the growing freight task that improves productivity, safety and sustainability. Transport for NSW has commenced the development of a Port Efficiency Strategy and the Rail Freight Strategy.
2.4 204 Improve planning for last mile deliveries NSW Ongoing Transport for NSW has published the Last Mile Toolkit to assist urban planners, developers and government to give greater consideration to freight and servicing demands for new buildings and precincts as part of the planning process. It also promotes better management of freight and servicing for existing buildings.
2.4 205 Working with councils on access for after-hours freight deliveries Vic 2020 - 2023 The Victorian Government has partnered with the Municipal Association of Victoria on a two-year program to assist with engagement of local councils to deliver or contribute to a range of freight projects. Freight access issues will be considered as part of this work. The Municipal Association of Victoria has commenced early scoping and consultation with local councils to understand local freight issues and establish a Freight Policy Reference Group.
2.4 206 Cleaner Freight Initiative Vic Closed This initiative has been superseded by other Inner West Land Use Planning initiatives within the Victorian Government.
2.4 207 Heavy Vehicle Safety Action Plan Qld 2019 - 2021 See Explore opportunities to apply new technology to manage transport networks under Action 1.3.
2.4 208 Improve the social license of freight WA Short term A renewed social licence campaign as a result of COVID-19 was developed in 2020. The campaign “Thank Freight for That!” was social media based and highlighted the role freight played during COVID. The social media campaign resulted in an increased awareness of the role of freight by the community. The campaign ran 23 Nov 2020 to 20 Dec 2020 and had 600,000 views. The Freight and Logistics Council of WA is currently considering the next stage of the campaign.
2.4 209 Research Travel Demand Management Programs WA Medium term The WA Government continues to implement a range of travel demand management measures, including development of the long- term cycle network for Perth and Peel, conducting travel behaviour programs in various parts of Perth and Peel to optimise active and public transport, and administering the Perth Parking Policy to reduce car use in the Perth CBD. Further policy levers and initiatives will be considered in consultation with stakeholders to continue to influence travel choices and reduce congestion, where possible, through decreasing private vehicle use in Perth and Peel regions.
2.4 210 Community engagement on freight issues WA Ongoing The Freight and Logistics Council of WA’s Freight Rail Working Group continues to provide information and engage on issues relating to rail noise.
2.4 211 Tasmanian Planning Scheme Tas Ongoing The Tasmanian Planning Scheme affords opportunities for the community to engage in new development proposals. Advertisement of proposals creates awareness in the community and allows community members to raise concerns that need to be addressed by the planning authority. More significant projects may be assessed under major projects legislation which also provides for community input. The Tasmanian Planning Policies project will provide an opportunity for the community to be part of setting planning priorities including protecting infrastructure.
2.4 212 ACT Freight Strategy ACT Ongoing The ACT Freight Strategy promotes strategic road freight routes within the ACT and, in accordance with the ACT’s Performance Based Standards, certain heavy vehicles are only authorised to drive on particular Canberra roads. The ACT actively engages the community, through community consultations, during the planning and delivery of all road infrastructure projects. Roads ACT also works closely with road freight operators and the affected community to ensure trucks are operating safely in urban areas and to address any necessary noise, parking or amenity mitigation measures on a case-by-case basis.

Action 2.1

Adopt and implement national and global standards, and support common platforms, to reduce transaction costs and support interoperability along supply chains

Where do we want to be by 2024?

  • Stronger links between heavy vehicle road user charges and investments into road infrastructure services.
  • Increased transparency to road users regarding levels of service and investments.
  • Increased funding certainty for road managers, helping to deliver optional road maintenance.

  No. Initiative Jurisdiction Timeframe Progress
2.1 143 Modernising agricultural trade — $32.4 million Cth 2018 - 2022 Over the next three years the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will continue implementing reforms to benefit our exporters. The changes will expedite the regulatory processes needed to get products to market and reduce administrative effort. Modernising the department’s export ICT services through implementing a suite of contemporary and connected digital services is the most significant reform.
2.1 144 National Rail Action Plan Work Program – Interoperability Standards Cth Phase 1 2019 – 2021, Phase 2 2021-24 In May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers noted the successful delivery of the National Rail Action Plan and committed to further work and funding over the next three years to support initiatives including:
  • priority rolling stock and infrastructure standards, a national rolling stock register and consideration of an approach to radio communications and
  • an interoperability framework to improve the productivity and safe running of the national rail network and assist the compatibility between different technological and communications systems.

The National Rail Action Plan involves ongoing collaboration between governments and industry to support longer term productivity and safety benefits for the rail sector.


Queensland continues to participate in the relevant working groups as part of the implementation the National Rail Action Plan being led by the National Transport Commission.

Western Australia

WA continues to attend the National Rail Action Plan Common Standards and Harmonisation Steering Committee meetings. The industry survey undertaken by the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board has now closed and the committee will consider the results with regards to areas to prioritise for standardisation.


Tasmania is a participant at a national level but is not connected to the national rail network. However, Tasmania is supporting the principles of the Plan by investing in rail infrastructure/equipment, which allows for coordination and interoperability across the total supply chain. For example:

  • Trialling unitising bulk logs so they can be transported by road, rail and sea on a common platform.
  • Investing in truck weighbridges at rail heads to integrate modes (road and rail) across the supply chain.
  • Expanding common facilities that integrate rail/road and sea.
2.1 145 Ongoing harmonisation of national vehicle safety standards for freight vehicles All Ongoing The Australian Design Rules provide national standards for vehicle safety (including freight vehicles). See National Harmonisation Program under Action 3.3.
2.1 146 Implementation of the International Maritime Organization’s mandate on electronic exchange of international maritime traffic information Cth Ongoing The Australian Government is working toward the establishment of a maritime single window, which would enable all information required by government in connection to the arrival, stay and departure of a ship to be submitted via a single online portal. The maritime single window will result in improved efficiency of international maritime traffic, simplifying through minimising the formalities, documentary requirements and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged in international voyages. A maritime single window is a requirement under the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention), of which Australia is a signatory. The Australian Government continues to engage in negotiations at the IMO on changes to the FAL Convention, amendments to the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business (the software tool to develop maritime single windows) and on international guidelines for the development of maritime single windows, including authentication and harmonisation of information exchanges. The maritime single window will be interoperable with other Australian Government digital portals under development such as the trade single window – the main element of the simplified trade system reform agenda, which will deliver harmonised, simplified and integrated regulation, data and systems at the border.
2.1 147 M4 Smart Motorway Project NSW Ongoing Completed. The NSW Government’s first smart motorway, the M4 Smart Motorway project, was permanently switched on in December 2020 to introduce intelligent technology to the M4 Motorway between Pitt Street, Mays Hill and Mulgoa Road, Penrith.
2.1 148 Optimise freight train cycle times NSW 0 - 2 years This initiative is ongoing as Transport for NSW continues to work with rail network owners and rail freight operators to optimise freight train cycle times, as the freight rail timetable on the shared Sydney network is continuously evolving and NSW seeks to implement a regional rail corridor strategy.
2.1 149 Voluntary Port Performance Model Vic   The Voluntary Port Performance Model arose from the Port Infrastructure Pricing and Access Review, completed in the 2019-20 annual progress report. The Model consists of a Voluntary Pricing Protocol which governs notification processes and timing for stevedore landside fees and charges, as well as the development of quarterly performance metrics to provide transparency to industry and Government on the performance of the Port of Melbourne landside container supply chain. The first Voluntary Performance Monitoring Framework Quarterly Report was published in early July 2021 to widespread positive media coverage, and a data protocol is being prepared ahead of the next request to stevedores, with work planned to continue improving the reporting methodology over the next 12 – 18 months. The report is available at transport.vic.gov.au/ports-and-freight/commercial-ports/ voluntary-port-performance-model/performance-indicator-dashboard. An expert consultant has been selected to provide advisory support, including the production of the quarterly reports throughout 2021-22, and commenced in June 2021. The Voluntary Pricing Protocol was published in July 2020 and the Victorian Government has committed to continue to listen to stakeholder feedback. Work is currently being undertaken by the National Transport Commission, which is assessing the potential for introduction of a national version of the Voluntary Port Performance Model.
2.1 150 Heavy Vehicle Safety Action Plan Qld 2019 - 2021 The first of six Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) enabled rest area sites (at Ogmore) was operational at the end of October 2020. A further five ITS enabled sites as part of the Bruce Highway rest area trial are due for completion during 2021.
2.1 151 Trade Community System WA, NSW, Qld Medium term Following a successful proof of concept phase conducted by the Port of Brisbane in 2019-20, progress was made with Australian and New Zealand ports, including Fremantle Ports, to progress a Trade Community System pilot. This was intended to validate the commercial proposition in support of a Trade Community System. However, the Australian port-led initiative has been delayed due to a lack of funding, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 emergency. New South Wales has taken the lead on the project and WA will provide input as required.
2.1 152 ACT Transport Strategy 2020 ACT Medium term The ACT Government released a new Transport Strategy in 2020, building on community feedback on the draft Transport Strategy (Moving Canberra) and acknowledging the impact of COVID-19 on transport and travel in the ACT going forward. The ACT Transport Strategy carries forward the vision of the ACT Freight Strategy 2016 to deliver an efficient, safe and sustainable freight network and services for a growing ACT and regional economy while protecting urban amenity. It supports the implementation of the ACT Freight Strategy 2016 by providing a policy plan for freight movement to be prioritised on key orbital routes connecting the Canberra region, NSW and Victoria to industrial areas. Additionally, it recognises that freight hubs will provide an opportunity for the city to capitalise on the potential for freight in the Canberra region, opened by Canberra Airport as an international gateway. It also encourages exploration of the uptake of zero-emissions freight in the ACT as a way to reduce carbon emissions from transport.
2.1 153 Exploring how telematics and other intelligence transport systems can be used to optimise operations and planning ACT TBD The ACT has initiated access to Transport Certification Australia’s Telematics Analytics Platform for activation in the coming financial year. This will provide more detailed information of freight movements within the ACT including journey and speed maps of heavy vehicles.

Action 2.2

Promote training and re-skilling of industry and government workforces appropriate to current future needs

Where do we want to be by 2024?

  • Freight industry education and training programs that deliver a freight workforce with the right skills and capabilities to meet current and future workforce needs.
  • Enhanced capability of government planners and decision makers to understand freight and supply chain benefits and needs and have the resources to make informed decisions related to freight.

  No. Initiative Jurisdiction Timeframe Progress
2.2 154 Engage, inform and attract potential new workforce entrants (e.g. retrenched workers and other job seekers) to the freight and logistics industry Cth 2019 - 2021 The Australian Government’s Your Career website was launched in October 2020 (yourcareer.gov.au). The Your Career website is a platform of the National Careers Institute. It is designed to provide clear and simple careers information and to help people of all ages and circumstances better plan and manage their career. A dedicated freight and supply chain page has also been created on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Jobs Hub . It includes tailored job search and employment planning information to build understanding of and connections to employment opportunities in the sector. The Australian Government will continue to work with relevant stakeholders to inform the development of resources for a wide range of job seekers looking for entry-level work and explore the most appropriate mechanisms for promoting this information to job seekers and employment service providers
2.2 155 Work with freight and logistics industry employers to establish new recruitment and pre-employment pathways that place retrenched workers and other job seekers into jobs in the sector Cth Ongoing The Australian Government has in the past made connections with a range of peak bodies to promote the opportunities available for employers to work with the Commonwealth to establish recruitment and pre-employment pathways for entry-level workers into the supply chain and logistics industry. A pre-employment project was trialled in the trucking industry using the Launch into Work program. The Launch into Work program is the Australian Government’s leading tool for directly engaging employers in trialling new recruitment methods. The project involved creating an alternative entry pathway for women committed to taking on a career as atruck driver. The Australian Government will continue to work with employers with the aim of rolling out more of these opportunities.
2.2 156 jobactive Cth 2018 - 2022 jobactive is the Australian Government’s initiative to get more Australians into work. Providers connect job seekers with employers, including the placement of job seekers into roles in the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry. jobactive providers can use the Employment Fund to assist job seekers into work by providing financial support for employer-required accredited training, work clothing, safety equipment, work-related licensing and transport. The Australian Government continues to develop the capability of providers in placing job seekers into supply chain and logistics roles. In July 2022, the Australian Government will launch the New Employment Services Model. Online servicing of job seekers who are most ready for work is a key feature of the model. The model seeks to better meet the needs of a wide range of employers and industries.
2.2 157 Employment Facilitators Cth Ongoing The Local Jobs Program supports tailored approaches to accelerate reskilling, upskilling and employment. In the 2021-22 Budget, the Program was expanded from 25 Employment Regions to cover all 51 Employment Regions across Australia and extended to 30 June 2025. The Program provides an Employment Facilitator in each region; a Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce and Local Jobs Plan in each region; projects funded through a Local Recovery Fund; and a $50 million National Priority Funding Pool. Employment Facilitators provide practical local support. For example, Perth South Employment Facilitator has been collaborating with the Western Roads Federation by supporting local linkages and referrals to the Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations Skill Set (funded other JobTrainer), including promoting the course to employment services providers and other stakeholders. The first course started 12 April 2021 with the first 12 participants and new intakes of 12 participants will start every two weeks thereafter.
2.2 158 Development of competency standards for vocational education Cth Ongoing The national training system is the Australian system for vocational education and training. The system is based on occupations skills standards, which are set out in units of competency within training packages. The Australian Industry and Skills Committee currently provides advice to governments on the skills standards and competencies needed by all Australian industries, as well as leadership and guidance to ensure the national training system provides the qualifications, knowledge and skill sets that industry needs, now and into the future. In 2018, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee commissioned the development of cross-sector supply chain skill sets (i.e. nationally recognised short courses) and units of competency for use by multiple industry sectors. The objective was to meet core skills needs that are common across industries, improving the efficiency of the national training system and supporting individuals to move more easily from one related occupation to another. Industry Reference Committees made up of industry leaders from a variety of backgrounds – from big business to small enterprises and peak bodies to unions – provided the formal channel for considering industry skills requirements.
2.2 159 National Rail Plan Work Program – Skills Cth Phase 1 2019–2021, Phase 2 2021-2024 In May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers noted the successful delivery of the National Rail Action Plan and committed to further work and funding over the next three years to support initiatives including creation of a National Rail Skills Hub. The National Skills Hub is intended to co-ordinate between state academies and industry initiatives and improve access and pathways to current and future rail skills needed to build and operate the national rail network. The National Rail Action Plan involves ongoing collaboration between governments and industry to support longer term productivity and safety benefits for the rail sector.
2.2 160 Attracting women into aviation careers — $4 million Cth 2019 - 2022 The Australian Government has committed $4 million over four years from 2018-19 for a range of initiatives to increase female participation in the aviation industry. Over the course of the initiative to date, over 6,500 face to face career conversations between young women, their parents and aviation industry representatives have occurred. While implementation of the program in 2019-20 and 2020-21 was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a range of activities were undertaken including the promotion of aviation careers information at a range of conferences, workshops and careers events. Over the coming year, other events and activities are planned to occur in a number of states and territories.
2.2 161 Women in Transport Program Vic 2017 - 2020 The Women in Transport (WiT) program aims to increase the number of women working in the public transport sector to 30 percent by the end of 2024. As at the end of June 2021, the representation of women within the public transport operators has increased by 7 percentage points, from 21 in Dec 2020 to 28%. Investment in the WiT program now totals $6.25m, including $2.404m from the 2020 Budget. This is an increase of $5.15m since the program began in March 2017. The new WiT Strategy 2021-24 is currently being implemented with 21 new initiatives to continue to improve gender equality in the transport sector.
2.2 162 Licensing of Heavy Vehicle Drivers Review Vic 2020 - 2023 The Victorian Transport Association has been allocated $500,000 per year over three years for the delivery of the Transport and Logistics Industry Based Training Program. This funding will provide for 60 new heavy vehicle drivers into the transport and logistics sector each year until 2022-23, for a total of 240 new heavy vehicle drivers. $1.5 million from the funding program has been distributed to Road Safety Victoria to accelerate the implementation of Austroads work on the national heavy vehicle licensing standards and training, which is being led by Victoria on behalf of all jurisdictions.
2.2 163 Heavy Vehicle Driver Employment Pathways Review Vic TBD The Victorian Heavy Vehicle Licensing and Employment Pathways Review has been conducted to investigate:
  • the extent to which the current heavy vehicle licensing system is producing safe and competent drivers and
  • employment pathways into professional heavy vehicle driving in Victoria.

The licensing stream has considered areas for improvement in the Victorian heavy vehicle licensing system, heavy vehicle licence progression and the adequacy of current training and assessment. The employment pathways component has considered barriers and opportunities to attracting drivers to the industry and retaining them. Both streams of work align with national and Victorian strategic priorities and transport and logistics industry concerns with heavy vehicle driver licensing and employment pathways. The draft report is currently under review by Freight Victoria. The Victorian Transport Association also runs Cadetship and Driver Delivery programs specifically target attracting and retaining younger employees in heavy vehicle driving and the transport sector.

2.2 164 Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan Qld 2018 - 2023 The Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan identified the need for the strategy to reflect the impact of COVID-19 on the industry. An update to the Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2024 was undertaken and published in July 2021 (www.tmr.qld.gov.au/tliconnect).
2.2 165 Development of future- skills standards for the transport and logistics, aviation and maritime sectors Qld Ongoing The Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2024 representatives are from a cross-section of industry modes and sectors, industry associations and the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. The committee meets quarterly and has ongoing engagement and input around skills and training, at a state and national level.
2.2 166 Development of future- skills standards for the transport and logistics, aviation and maritime sectors WA Short term Research had been undertaken by the WA Government and Logistics and Defence Skills Council (Council) into suitable skills pathways, including mentoring and cadetships, in the logistics industry. However, COVID-19 has put all work in this area on hold while industries re-define their future skill needs.
  • As a response to COVID-19, the WA Government in partnership with the Council introduced skill sets/short courses to enable people to pivot to new employment opportunities. These skill sets include Heavy Haulage Driving Operations, Heavy Haulage Driver Operations with Heavy Rigid, Medium Rigid licence or Multi Combination Licensing and Logistics and Warehousing (including Forklift licence).
  • Rail Signalling has been identified as an area of skill shortage in WA. To address this area of skill need, Stage 1 of the METRONET Trade Training Centre at North Metropolitan TAFE’s Midland Campus was finalised in October 2020, with first students commencing in Semester 1 2021 to undertake the Certificate IV in Electrical Rail Signalling. The METRONET Trade Training Centre includes a rail signalling workshop and introduction of electrical rail signalling qualifications.
  • WA is participating in a national working group set up through the National Transport Commission to develop an Action Plan aimed at addressing rail industry skill shortages. Specific to WA, the Bellevue METRONET Railcar Facility was opened in June 2021, which will see the manufacture of 246 METRONET railcars and six new Australind railcars by more than 200 local workers. Manufacture will commence in late 2021 with the first railcars expected on tracks in late 2022.
2.2 167 State Aviation Training Strategy WA Short term The Strategy is intended to cover the future skill needs of the aviation industry in WA. A draft training strategy was prepared at the beginning of 2020, following extensive consultation with key stakeholders by the WA Government and the Logistics Training Council. However, due to COVID-19, the project has been suspended until further notice.
2.2 168 Heavy Vehicle Driver Training Programs and Facilities WA Short term The WA Premier launched the pilot Heavy Vehicle Advanced Skills Driver Training Program to operate from the South Regional TAFE Collie Campus commencing in July 2020. In February 2021, the McGowan Government committed $6.1 million to train more Western Australians in heavy vehicle driving . The Job Ready Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations Skill Set and driver training will train an estimated 1000 skilled workers needed by the transport industry and remove barriers to entry in Heavy Rigid, Heavy Combination or Multi Combination heavy vehicle driving courses. The program is an expansion of a regional pilot program in Collie and is delivered by Central Regional TAFE.
2.2 169 Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer (new) SA 2020 - 2022 The SA Government in partnership with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator are funding the appointment of a Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer to work with the Local Government Association of South Australia for two years. The main aim of the role is to assist the Local Government Association’s members in performing their road manager function under the Heavy Vehicle National Law and to work in partnership with the heavy vehicle freight industry and other stakeholders to undertake a holistic approach in the facilitation of heavy vehicle access whilst protecting investment in public infrastructure. The Heavy Vehicle Access Liaison Officer commenced in July 2020.
2.2 170 Industry Training Hub Cth Ongoing Burnie in North West Tasmania has been identified as a location for one of the Australian Government funded Industry Training Hubs, which aims to deliver future pathways for young Australians for jobs of the future. Young people aged 15-24 in training hub areas will also be eligible to apply for a scholarship to undertake an eligible vocational education and training program of study.
2.2 171 Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Workforce Action Group Tasmania Ongoing Through Skills Tasmania, the Tasmanian Government works with the Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Workforce Action Group, which is supported by the Tasmanian Transport Association. Projects have included developing resources to support recruitment to the top occupations in the sector, attracting women to work in the sector, and workforce planning.
2.2 172 Participation in the truck driver skills and shortage working group ACT Ongoing The ACT participated in the working group looking at truck driver skills and shortage when it was established in June 2019. Following a break arising from COVID-19, the ACT will continue to participate when the working group reconvenes. Hosted by NatRoad, the working group also focuses on consistency of driver competencies and licensing conditions across jurisdictions to underpin a solid road transport network system that supports the freight supply chain.
2.2 173 National Hydrogen Strategy All 2019 - 2030 The National Hydrogen Strategy was agreed by Australian Governments in November 2019. The Strategy outlined nationally coordinated government actions for the development of an Australian hydrogen industry. One action is the completion of National Hydrogen Infrastructure Assessments which includes hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as a priority. The national assessments will take a country-wide approach to mapping and understanding infrastructure needs for an Australian hydrogen industry, and will help the government and investors in their decision-making on hydrogen industry investment and development. The professional services firm ARUP has been engaged to complete the first assessment which is on track to be completed by the end of 2021.

Australian Government

Alongside the Strategy, the Australian Government has committed over $1.2 billion funding to support development of the emerging hydrogen industry. Activities funded under this program may support use of hydrogen in mobility applications. This support is further backed by $1.62 billion in the 2020-21 Budget for Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to support research and development for new technologies to cut emissions in agriculture, manufacturing, industry, and transport. This includes $74.5 million for a Future Fuels Package, to take advantage of opportunities offered by hydrogen, electric, and bio-fuelled vehicles, including through providing funding to support electric vehicle refuelling infrastructure.

New South Wales

The NSW government is currently developing a NSW Hydrogen Strategy, for release later in 2021. The strategy will include identifying strategic road freight corridors for hydrogen refuelling network. NSW will also publish a NSW refuelling network map with existing refuelling stations, including modelling results for station deployment staging based on freight and logistics traffic volumes.


On 11 March 2021, the Queensland Government announced the establishment of a Hydrogen Taskforce to deliver on the Queensland Government’s vision for a sustainable hydrogen industry. The Taskforce is being supported by a Hydrogen Delivery Unit to deliver on the Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019–2024. The Queensland Government is working to identify opportunities for hydrogen use by heavy vehicles (for instance in road freight, public transport) and the principles required for supporting infrastructure.

Western Australia

The WA Renewable Hydrogen Unit within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation is liaising with the National Hydrogen Project Team on a range of topics and themes to ensure continued alignment and information sharing on transport related matters, with the objective of facilitating the utilisation of hydrogen for transport, including for freight.

Action 2.3

Facilitate new and innovative technologies that improve freight outcomes and understand deployment, skills and workforce requirements for operators and infrastructure

Where do we want to be by 2024?

  • A national coordinated approach between governments and industry to researching and trialling new freight technologies.
  • The right enabling regulatory environment, infrastructure, data streams and workforce skills to deploy emerging freight technologies.
  • Introduction of ready to deploy technologies to the Australian market in a manner that is technology neutral and maximises economic and social benefits while meeting community expectations of safety, security and privacy.

  No. Initiative Jurisdiction Timeframe Progress
2.3 174 Freight Energy Productivity Program (new) Cth 2021 - 2024 The King Review Technology Co-investment Fund included a commitment of $24.5 million for a Freight Energy Productivity Program to increase the use of more fuel efficient technology in the road freight sector, reduce fuel use, increase productivity and reduce emissions. The program will be delivered through competitive grants to support efficiency improvements for diesel fleets, and vehicle modifications or new vehicle technologies. The uptake, impact and lessons learned from truck and fleet energy rating systems or equivalents will inform the program.
2.3 175 Future Fuels Strategy, (formerly titled ‘A National Strategy for Electric Vehicles’) Cth 2020 - 2021 The Future Fuels Strategy will support the deployment of a range of new vehicle technologies and fuels. Consultation on the Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper closed on 2 April 2021. Feedback from the consultation will inform the final Strategy to be delivered by the end of 2021. The final strategy will set out the Australian Government’s direction and practical actions that will enable the private sector to commercially deploy low emissions road transport technologies at scale.
2.3 176 Advanced Train Management System Cth 2014 - 2023 The Australian Government is providing $270 million in funding to the Australian Rail Track Corporation for the implementation of the first three stages of the Advanced Train Management System (ATMS). ATMS is an advanced train communication and signalling system that will improve the safety of rail operations as well as delivering reliability and network resilience. In September 2020, the ATMS was fully commissioned and became the primary signalling system between Port Augusta to Whyalla (Stage One). Stage Two (Tarcoola to Kalgoorlie) and Stage 3 (detailed design plus train-borne units Melbourne / Parkes to Perth) are currently underway and are progressing to build capacity for a large-scale deployment. The project is scheduled for completion in mid/late-2023.
2.3 177 Driver fatigue monitoring technology trials (NHVR: $250,000; industry) Cth Ongoing The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) trial of fatigue safety related technologies was completed in 2019. The NHVR has transitioned the trial into a program of work to deliver key recommendations, including establishing of a policy for the potential use of Fatigue and Distraction Detection Technology and conducting an operational pilot to promote voluntary uptake of the technology by industry. An industry user working group has been established to work with the NHVR to deliver the new pilot commencing in mid- 2021.
2.3 178 Future Vehicles and Technology Program All, Austroads Ongoing Austroads’ Future Vehicles and Technology Program is delivering a range of projects relating to vehicle automation and connectivity. The program supports organisations to deliver an improved road transport network that leverages the benefits of emerging technologies whilst minimising some of the risks inevitably faced during a period of such rapid change. The program is focused on four key themes: connected and automated vehicles, digital and physical infrastructure, low and zero emission vehicles, and capability building. Active projects that could facilitate new and innovative technologies that improve freight outcomes include:
  • Connected vehicle agency business capability model
  • Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles
  • Guidance for road agencies supporting cloud connected road users
  • Guidelines to support the installation of low and zero emission vehicle charging and
  • Minimum physical infrastructure standard for the operation of automated driving. New projects that have been approved in the 2021-22 work program include:
    • Connected vehicle and road agency data exchange
    • Foundational research into the potential role of 5G technology in vehicle and infrastructure connectivity and
    • Consistent framework for evaluation and reporting of automated vehicle trials.

Details are available at www.austroads.com.au/drivers-and-vehicles/future-vehicles-and-technology.

2.3 179 Road Safety Innovation Fund — $12 million Cth 2019 - 2023 Two grant rounds for the Road Safety Innovation Fund have been undertaken with the full fund now allocated across 53 projects. Five of the projects funded directly benefit the heavy vehicle industry.
2.3 180 iMove Cooperative Research Centre $55 million matched with $178.8 million in cash and in-kind participant contributions Cth, iMove 2017 - 2027 The Australian Government continues to partner with universities, researchers and industry experts on projects coordinated through the iMove Cooperative Research Centre. Freight-related projects the Australian Government has collaborated on through iMOVE include:
  • A Freight Consignment Data Aggregation pilot, in which the Australian Government participated but did not financially contribute. The pilot assessed the feasibility and utility of aggregating freight consignment event/message data to help inform infrastructure planning and freight policy. This project was part of a three-project series– also including a Supply Chain Freight Data Trial and a Multimodal Supply Chain Trial. These two associated projects aimed to demonstrate capability for industry to access freight data in real time to improve supply chain freight visibility, contributing to increased productivity in supply chains.
  • An initial round of Freight Data Exchange pilot projects to investigate, develop and demonstrate the capability for supply chain partners to share freight consignment information in real time and assess the feasibility of aggregating freight consignment event/message data. The projects contributed to the National Freight Data Hub’s purpose of supporting industry’s day-to-day operational decisions and also provided information to help better inform transport infrastructure planning and freight policy. A follow-up pilot to survey the freight and supply chain industry sector is planned to be undertaken in 2021 (see Action Area 4.1, Freight Data Exchange Pilot). The Government is continuing to consider potential future projects in consultation with iMove and potential industry and research partners. This includes commencing a new project on exploring international best-practice use of digitisation in transport and freight, and identifying barriers and opportunities for Australia.
2.3 181 Implement Key Priority 5.1 (Identify and facilitate emerging technologies that improve freight outcomes) of the National Land Transport Technology Action Plan 2020-2023 All 2020-23 In August 2019 Australian Infrastructure and Transport Ministers agreed an updated National Land Transport Technology Action Plan (2020-23) under the National Land Transport Technology Policy Framework. Priority 5.1 (identify and facilitate emerging technologies that improve freight outcomes) is related to the Action Plan of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. The Australian, State and Territory Governments have been collaborating to develop projects to meet the Action Plan’s priorities. Progress of actions, including priority 5.1, is included in annual reporting on the National Land Transport Technology Action Plan provided to Infrastructure and Transport Ministers each November.
2.3 182 Heavy vehicle platooning on major freight corridors NSW Ongoing Transport for New South Wales is currently engaging with industry and technology suppliers looking at what technology is available for heavy vehicle platooning on major freight corridors.
2.3 183 Intelligent Congestion Management Program NSW Ongoing Release 1 and Release 2 of the Intelligent Congestion Management Program has been delivered on July 2020 and May 2021 respectively. Release 3 development is ongoing and is scheduled to be delivered in April 2022.
2.3 184 Support electric vehicles in high density areas NSW 3 - 5 years Electric vehicle trials are currently on hold to allow for further consultation with all stakeholders.
2.3 185 Undertake kick-start projects to scope the potential for building hydrogen refuelling stations in every state and territory All Ongoin The Queensland Government has committed (through QFleet) to trial five Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in the government fleet. This commitment is supporting the establishment by BOC Ltd of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Brisbane which is scheduled to be operational in 2021. In December 2020, the Queensland Government allocated a further $10 million for a second round of the Hydrogen Industry Development Fund. This round included a focus on transport applications. The Queensland Government has conditionally offered financial assistance to the University of Queensland (UQ) to support a project which will see installation of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station at the UQ Gatton campus and the purchase of two Fuel Cell Electric Buses for the St Lucia to Gatton inter-campus service. The project is aiming to have the buses operating in early-2022.
2.3 186 Drone Network Impact Analysis All Ongoing Queensland has published its findings on the plausible impacts of drone transport services – Drone Network Impact Analysis. These are available at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Community-and-environment/Planning-for-the-future/Emerging-technologies-and-trends.
2.3 187 Strategies to enable wider deployment of low emission vehicles All 2022 The Queensland Government is developing the Zero Net Transport Emission Roadmap, expected to be finalised by early-2022.
2.3 188 Implementation of the Austroads Connected and Automated Vehicle Program All Short term Main Roads WA is part of the Austroads Future Vehicles and Technology Taskforce and actively participates in the existing program of works, which includes the following projects: FCA6239 - Vehicles and technology further state 2030 project and FPI6119 - Automated steering functions, which are now closed; and FDI6216 – Road authority data for connected and automated vehicles (RADCAV). FDI6216 Austroads Road Authority Data for Connected and Automated Vehicles (RADCAV) project studied the provision of agency- owned data to CAVs addressing six high-priority data sets: roadworks, incidents, carriable speed limit signs and lane control signals, static speed limits, traffic signals, and heavy vehicle access restriction. Six data provision reports are produced to provide a general Data Provision Framework that can be used by an agency to build capability in providing data to vehicles for each of these data sets.
2.3 189 Performance-Based Standards Policy for Restricted Access Vehicles WA Short term Complete. WA has established and implemented a Performance Based Standards policy that is supported by a suite of guidelines relating to the application process, assessment process, access arrangements and auditing regime.
2.3 190 Low Emission Strategy development WA Medium term WA participates in the National Low and Zero Emission Vehicle Working Group and continues to contribute to the various actions that underpin the National Low and Zero Emission Vehicle action plan.
2.3 191 Develop a kick start investment fund relating to hydrogen WA Medium term The Renewable Hydrogen Unit is administering the delivery of the WA Renewable Hydrogen Fund that aligns and supports the WA Renewable Hydrogen Strategy. In 2020, round 1 of the Fund announced up to $10 million of grant funding for four capital works projects and seven feasibility studies. Two capital works projects and four feasibility studies with a transport strategic focus area received grant funding. Of these, two transport feasibility studies – Pacific Hydro’s ‘The Ord Hydrogen’ and ATCO Australia’s ‘Clean Energy Innovation Park’ were completed in early 2021. The second round of funding ($5 million) was received in August 2020 under the WA COVID-19 Recovery Plan. This round of funding is currently being finalised with an announcement due in Q3 of 2021.
2.3 192 Investigate low emissions policy levers WA Medium term Under the WA Electric Vehicle Strategy, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles have been included within the definition of electric vehicles in WA policies. The WA Government is collaborating and consulting with transport industry stakeholders on potential policy options to stimulate demand for low and zero emission vehicles, including specific consideration for freight vehicles. An Electric Vehicle Action Plan was released in May 2021. The plan aims to deliver power grid systems requirements to facilitate with the integration of electric vehicles.
2.3 193 Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy WA Long term An Interagency Working Group comprising of key WA agencies including the Department of Transport is continuing to collaborate with WA Renewable Hydrogen Unit to implement the WA Renewable Hydrogen Strategy that identifies transport as one of the four key Strategic Focus Areas.
2.3 194 Real Time Traffic Congestion Management System Tas Complete To combat traffic congestion, the Tasmanian Government has introduced a real Time Traffic Congestion Management System to provide better information for traffic managers and road users through the use of traffic monitoring technology. The System is now fully operational and in use within the Traffic Management Centre. This system is continuously being upgraded to introduce new functionality.
2.3 195 Participation in intergovernmental working groups – energy savings and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions ACT Long term The ACT continues to actively participate in the national work program to accelerate the uptake of low and zero emissions vehicles.
2.3 196 Work with Wing’s World- First-Urban-Based drone delivery services ACT, Wing Short term Wing has been operating a drone delivery service in the ACT since April 2019 and has delivered thousands of packages on behalf of 15 local ACT businesses to residents in the Gungahlin area of north Canberra. The facility Wing is operating from in Mitchell is the first of its kind in the world. Due to increasing demand in Wing’s delivery services, a potential expansion is likely to include services beyond residential areas with quieter drone aircrafts.

Action 2.4

Build community acceptance of freight operations

Where do we want to be by 2024?

  • Implementation of communication and education programs for the importance of freight.
  • Forums that bring together representatives from the community, industry and governments for all key freight precincts, such as ports and intermodal terminals.
  • Implementation of programs to mitigate freight's physical impacts on community amenity through planning or practices.
  • Increasing community awareness of the importance and benefits of freight.

  No. Initiative Jurisdiction Timeframe Progress
2.4 197 Integrating community engagement as a part of freight related projects All, Austroads Ongoing Community engagement is a key part of multiple freight related projects at all levels of government. National Urban Freight Planning Principles: The Principles, endorsed by Infrastructure and Transport Ministers on 28 May 2021, reflect outcomes from public consultation with over 60 organisations and individuals across the planning sector and freight industry. See National Urban Planning Forum under Action 3.2. Queensland industry engagement: Queensland continues to work with government and industry stakeholders to promote the importance of freight through government and industry councils and forums including the Queensland Ministerial Freight Council and the Queensland Transport and Logistic Council. The Queensland Ministerial Freight Council has met a total of 14 times since its first meeting in 2016. Queensland Freight Strategy and Action Plan: The Strategy was released on 5 March 2019 and the Action Plan released on 28 September 2020. The Action Plan is a rolling two-year program of actions informed by industry stakeholder consultation and is made up of five Shared Commitments, two Critical Enablers, 11 Delivery Statements, 21 Actions, 47 Activities and 128 Deliverables. Best Practice Approaches to Road Freight and Communities: This Austroads project developed guidelines for best practice strategies and supporting materials for state, territory and local government road managers to communicate the importance of freight with a particular focus on road freight. This was undertaken within the concept of a ‘social licence to operate’ which refers to the fostering and maintenance of community and stakeholder support for projects and operations. It concluded in October 2020. Inland Rail: See Inland Rail Regional Liaison Offices under Action 2.4.
2.4 198 Safety Truck Campaign — $400,000 (Cth) $20,000 (NHVR provided) Cth 2018 - 2021 In 2018-19, the Australian Government provided $400,000 in funding as a one-off grant to the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) to support the ATA Safety Truck’s redesign and refit. The ATA Safety Truck (SafeT360 Initiative) specifically targets 16- to 25-year-old drivers and vulnerable road users to deliver safety education programs that develop awareness of how to safely share the road with heavy vehicles. The Safety Truck attends industry led community events, career expos, high schools, TAFE and universities and other public events across Australia. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator provides $5,000 per year over four years to support the SafetyT360 program in directly engaging with schools across the country and educating students about sharing the road safely with trucks. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has joined forces with the ATA initiative to help children to become more aware of safety around heavy vehicles.
2.4 199 Inland Rail Regional Liaison Offices Cth Ongoing The Regional Liaison Officers continue to facilitate and enhance the Australian Government’s connections with local communities, businesses, industry and local and state governments. This increased connection has been, and will continue to be, pivotal to building community awareness and acceptance of freight operations. Regional Officers have worked within their respective regions to:
  • Maximise community and industry understanding of the benefits and long-term opportunities of Inland Rail.
  • Provide on the ground support to the Australian Rail Track Corporation as sections of Inland Rail transition from reference design to construction.
  • Communicate business and employment opportunities to local government, industry and community.
  • Provide a locally based point of contact for local government, state government, businesses and industry to respond to enquiries improving connectivity and building key relationships.

The presence of regional offices has also supported effective engagement with communities along the Inland Rail alignment to better understand concerns and optimise benefits for local and regional stakeholders. Offices are located in Wodonga, Dubbo, Toowoomba and Moree.

2.4 200 Heavy Vehicle Safet Initiative — $22.1 million Cth Ongoing As at 30 June 2021, there has been more than $22 million allocated to 89 projects across five rounds of the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative. In 2020-21, $5.5 million was provided for round five of the program. Round five projects included a range of initiatives designed to increase knowledge of safe system road design while others were aimed at improving mental health awareness in the heavy vehicle sector. Round six applications closed on 21 February 2021. Successful applicants will be announced mid-2021.
2.4 201 Leading development and implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 and accompanying Action Plan (new) All 2021 - 2030 On 28 May 2021, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers supported the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, placing Australia on a path to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2050. The National Road Safety Strategy has been developed in consultation with states, territories and the local government association through a cross-jurisdictional working group. The draft National Road Safety Action Plan 2021-25 is undergoing a short, targeted consultation process with key road safety stakeholders prior to finalisation and release.
2.4 202 Research into noise impacts of freight operations and effectiveness of mitigation measures to inform future initiatives NSW 3 – 5 years Transport for New South Wales is undertaking a project on key noise issues to inform future programs.
2.4 203 Ensure planning accommodates the growth of the freight task and protects community amenity NSW Ongoing The NSW Government is continuing to plan for the growing freight task that improves productivity, safety and sustainability. Transport for NSW has commenced the development of a Port Efficiency Strategy and the Rail Freight Strategy.
2.4 204 Improve planning for last mile deliveries NSW Ongoing Transport for NSW has published the Last Mile Toolkit to assist urban planners, developers and government to give greater consideration to freight and servicing demands for new buildings and precincts as part of the planning process. It also promotes better management of freight and servicing for existing buildings.
2.4 205 Working with councils on access for after-hours freight deliveries Vic 2020 - 2023 The Victorian Government has partnered with the Municipal Association of Victoria on a two-year program to assist with engagement of local councils to deliver or contribute to a range of freight projects. Freight access issues will be considered as part of this work. The Municipal Association of Victoria has commenced early scoping and consultation with local councils to understand local freight issues and establish a Freight Policy Reference Group.
2.4 206 Cleaner Freight Initiative Vic Closed This initiative has been superseded by other Inner West Land Use Planning initiatives within the Victorian Government.
2.4 207 Heavy Vehicle Safety Action Plan Qld 2019 - 2021 See Explore opportunities to apply new technology to manage transport networks under Action 1.3.
2.4 208 Improve the social license of freight WA Short term A renewed social licence campaign as a result of COVID-19 was developed in 2020. The campaign “Thank Freight for That!” was social media based and highlighted the role freight played during COVID. The social media campaign resulted in an increased awareness of the role of freight by the community. The campaign ran 23 Nov 2020 to 20 Dec 2020 and had 600,000 views. The Freight and Logistics Council of WA is currently considering the next stage of the campaign.
2.4 209 Research Travel Demand Management Programs WA Medium term The WA Government continues to implement a range of travel demand management measures, including development of the long- term cycle network for Perth and Peel, conducting travel behaviour programs in various parts of Perth and Peel to optimise active and public transport, and administering the Perth Parking Policy to reduce car use in the Perth CBD. Further policy levers and initiatives will be considered in consultation with stakeholders to continue to influence travel choices and reduce congestion, where possible, through decreasing private vehicle use in Perth and Peel regions.
2.4 210 Community engagement on freight issues WA Ongoing The Freight and Logistics Council of WA’s Freight Rail Working Group continues to provide information and engage on issues relating to rail noise.
2.4 211 Tasmanian Planning Scheme Tas Ongoing The Tasmanian Planning Scheme affords opportunities for the community to engage in new development proposals. Advertisement of proposals creates awareness in the community and allows community members to raise concerns that need to be addressed by the planning authority. More significant projects may be assessed under major projects legislation which also provides for community input. The Tasmanian Planning Policies project will provide an opportunity for the community to be part of setting planning priorities including protecting infrastructure.
2.4 212 ACT Freight Strategy ACT Ongoing The ACT Freight Strategy promotes strategic road freight routes within the ACT and, in accordance with the ACT’s Performance Based Standards, certain heavy vehicles are only authorised to drive on particular Canberra roads. The ACT actively engages the community, through community consultations, during the planning and delivery of all road infrastructure projects. Roads ACT also works closely with road freight operators and the affected community to ensure trucks are operating safely in urban areas and to address any necessary noise, parking or amenity mitigation measures on a case-by-case basis.


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