Snapshots across the nation

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Australian Government

The Australian Government continues to partner with State and Territory Governments to ensure our freight moves efficiently across the nation and the freight industry and community are supported during this challenging period. The Freight Movement Protocol and Code, agreed by National Cabinet in July and August 2020 respectively, have been critical in ensuring freight continues to move across Australia during the pandemic. The Protocol and Code provide seek to maximise nationally consistency for industry in managing the risk of COVID-19 while keeping freight moving and protecting the Australian community.

In terms of practical industry support, the Australian Government has extended the International Freight Assistant Mechanism to 30 September 2021 to keep global air links open in response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Work continues on the Government’s $110 billion Infrastructure Investment Program to bust congestion, better connect our regions, improve safety on our roads and meet our national freight challenge. The National Freight Data Hub also enters a new phase, with the Australian Government’s additional commitment of $16.5 million over four years. The Hub will enhance the collection and access to freight data across all modes.

New South Wales

The New South Wales Government continues to progress delivery of the initiatives under the NSW Freight and Ports Plan in support of the national critical areas of smarter and targeted infrastructure investment; enable improved supply chain efficiency; better planning, coordination and regulation; and better freight location and performance data. Investment in infrastructure is being undertaken by the New South Wales Government to improve supply chain efficiency by increasing connectivity in the transport network through:

  • Improving connectivity across NSW on the road and rail network through the delivery of the Fixing Country Bridges Program, Fixing Local Roads Program and Fixing Country Rail Program.
  • Delivery of major road infrastructure projects across Greater Sydney and regional NSW, including duplication of the Pacific Highway between Hexham and the Queensland border as well as the opening of NorthConnex and M8 Motorway.

The New South Wales Government is undertaking planning to meet the needs of the growing freight task, including planning for Western Sydney Freight Line through progressing corridor preservation and the Lower Hunter Freight Corridor through consultation on corridor options. The New South Wales Government is also planning to maximise the benefits of Inland Rail through the designation of Special Activation Precincts at key locations along Inland Rail, such as Parkes and Moree, to support integration with intermodal and business development opportunities.

To improve supply chain visibility, a Freight Community System is being progressed through the development of a Strategic Business Case. The project aims to solve operational problems and visibility issues for freight supply chain operators through a product’s entire journey. Consultation with the freight industry is being undertaken in the development of a Strategic Business Case. Local councils and industry are being supported in planning for freight and servicing demands of new buildings and precincts as part of the planning process through a new Last Mile Toolkit. It also promotes better management of freight and servicing for existing buildings.


Significant progress has continued on the Victorian Implementation Plan, despite increased freight demand due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. All three metropolitan intermodal terminals on the Port Rail Shuttle Network are now in development, and services are expected to be operational from 2022. Construction on a new on-dock rail terminal at the Port of Melbourne has also commenced and will provide significant efficiency gains to freight on rail at the Port of Melbourne. The Interstate Freight Terminal business case was completed, confirming Truganina as the preferred location, and access corridors to proposed terminals’ locations are now protected.

The High Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) network was expanded to 25 per cent of preapproved arterial roads, with HPFVs able to use them without permits. Government investment in road networks continued, with one metropolitan and four regional bridges strengthened along the Hume and Goulburn Valley Highways. The full Government Response to the Independent Review of the Victorian Ports System was announced in August 2021 and included the commitment to develop a Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy for 2022. The Voluntary Port Performance Model was implemented, and the National Transport Commission is considering introducing a similar national model.


In 2020-21, Queensland delivered the Queensland Freight Action Plan and 10 Regional Transport Plans that cover the entire state. The year saw the completion of construction of enabling infrastructure for the Central Queensland Inland Port (Yamala Hub) and the official opening of the Agtech and Logistics Hub in Toowoomba.

The Queensland Government also completed the $635 million Warrego Highway Upgrade Program. Building on these actions, the Queensland Government also announced joint funding of $500 million for upgrades to the Inland Freight Route between Charters Towers and Mungindi on the New South Wales border. There have been significant increases in investment in freight related infrastructure and initiatives through:

  • the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2020–21 to 2023–24 - an increase of approximately $3.9 billion on QTRIP 2019–20 to 2022–23.
  • a jointly funded plan to upgrade sections of the Landsborough and Capricorn Highways and surrounding roads, as part of the Mount Isa to Rockhampton corridor upgrade.

South Australia

South Australia continues to progress actions under the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. Key highlights for 2020-21 include:

  • Northern Connector and Regency – Pym sections of North-South Corridor open to traffic creating a non-stop corridor from the Sturt Highway to the River Torrens.
  • Commitment to tunnel solution for Torrens to Darlington section of North-South Corridor
  • Funding secured for the capping and sealing of the Strzelecki Track and completion of 50km of sealing north of  Lyndhurst.
  • South Australia High Productivity Vehicle Network Access initiative added to Infrastructure Australia’s 2021 Infrastructure
  • Priority List. Development of a core PBS level 4A network across the State will maximise the efficiency of regional, intrastate and interstate supply chain connectivity to the north, south, east and western states and territories in Australia.
  • Commencement of a Regional Bulk Export Supply Chain Study which will inform Government on efficient and sustainable solutions that support economic growth in South Australia.

Western Australia

The Western Australian Government is committed to supporting and enabling safe, efficient and sustainable freight supply chains, in line with the objectives of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. Throughout 2020-21, the WA Government continued to work with all levels of government and industry to manage the impacts of COVID-19 on domestic freight supply chains. For example, as part of its Covid-19 Recovery Plan, the State Government committed $6.1 million for a pilot Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations Skill Set training program. The training program, developed in consultation with the WA transport industry, is expected to train an estimated 1,000 skilled workers by 2023. It is designed to target a cross section of the current and potential workforce to attract, train and recruit drivers to enhance industry productivity and safety; and help deal with skills shortages across multiple industry sectors exacerbated by the pandemic.

An integral component of the initiatives is to promote Industry engagement and active participation from prospective employers and industry veterans to provide a holistic view of the career opportunities available as a result of the new or improved skills provided through the course.

The WA Government delivered several freight planning and operational projects in 2020-21, including the Westport Stage 2 report, which identified the location for a new container port; the Kwinana Northbound Smart Freeway project; and the Northern Australia Roads and Beef Roads program. The State and Commonwealth Government committed funding for several road and rail infrastructure projects to be delivered in the coming years, including $200 million for the delivery of agricultural supply chain improvements; $50 million for improvements to rest areas and facilities across the state to ensure better fatigue management; and an additional $100 million for the Wheatbelt Strategic Freight Network.

The WA Government also engaged with university, industry and local government to help deliver digital infrastructure for the freight industry, including the FreightSync Roadmap project that aims to link road freight data and traffic management systems in real time.


As in other jurisdictions, Tasmania’s supply chains continue to be affected by the impacts of COVID-19. Businesses are facing challenges in relation to increased international shipping costs and delays, market access, container availability, delays and shortages of some products and inputs, and restricted air freight options. The Tasmanian Government is working closely with businesses, across all sectors, to monitor and understand these impacts.

Investment in freight infrastructure is key to supporting more efficient freight supply chain operations. The Tasmanian and Australian Governments have committed a total of $576 million to build a new Bridgewater Bridge north of Hobart. The Bridge is part of the key Burnie to Hobart Freight Corridor, which connects all of Tasmania’s major ports, intermodal hubs, population and industrial centres. Construction will commence in 2022 with traffic on the Bridge by the end of 2024.

Investment elsewhere on the Burnie to Hobart Freight Corridor includes continued delivery of the Midland Highway and Bass Highway 10-year Action Plans, and tranches two and three of the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation Project. Recent commitments to major upgrades at Burnie and Devonport Ports will allow access by larger vessels, improve landside efficiency and facilitate higher volumes of freight, while upgrades at Launceston Airport will provide new purpose-built, freight facilities.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Government continues to implement its Territory-Wide Logistics Master Plan which was released in June 2020. The purpose of the Master Plan is to facilitate increasing freight and logistics connections and capacity that captures both international and domestic trade for the Territory. The Master Plan includes actions to address the following priority areas:

  • Targeted Infrastructure Investment;
  • Integrated Logistics and Land Use Planning;
  • Supply Chain Positioning; and
  • Regulation and Safety Improvements.

The Master Plan complements and forms the Northern Territory’s Implementation Plan under the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.

In addition, the Northern Territory Government is delivering initiatives to further support the freight and logistics sector, including the formation of an NT Logistics Advisory Council with representation from key transport and logistics industry representatives. The Council will act as an advisory body to the Territory Government on logistics issues, as well as providing a mechanism for collaboration to drive intermodal efficiencies and improve the Territory’s transport and logistics supply chains.

Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Government continues to invest significantly in well planned and carefully delivered transport infrastructure to meet core service delivery needs, support our ongoing economic growth, while also driving Canberra’s transition to a zero emissions future. Major infrastructure projects support an efficient, safe, and sustainable freight network and services for a growing ACT and regional economy.

The ACT keeps maintaining strong relationships with NSW Government, Canberra Region Joint Organisation local councils, regional producers and the Canberra Airport as a national and international freight hub. The top priority is developing research and delivering infrastructure for the key freight corridors such as the Monaro and Barton Highways, east-west and south-west freight corridors such as Parkes Way and Tuggeranong Parkway to ensure a resilient and effective road transport system for the ACT and region.


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