Appendix A: Completed actions in 2020-21
Action Area 1
Smarter and targeted infrastructure investment
Location | Description |
National | Round 5 of the Bridges Renewal Program has committed more than $140 million in funding for 205 projects. |
National | Round 7 of the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program has committed more than $140 million in funding for 146 projects. |
National | Under the Heavy Vehicle Safety Action Plan, the first of six Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) enabled rest area sites (at Ogmore) were operational at the end of October 2020. |
National | More than 1,270 base stations have been funded under the Mobile Black Spot Program, with over 946 now in operation. Completed base stations are providing new and improved mobile coverage to more than 8,000km of major transport routes. |
National | The National Broadband Network is now fully operational. |
New South Wales |
Under the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan:
New South Wales | The Parkes to Narromine section of Inland Rail was completed in September 2020. |
Queensland | The Toowoomba Wellcamp Trade Distribution Centre was officially opened in July 2021. |
Queensland | Construction of enabling infrastructure for the Yamala Hub is complete and the Queensland Government’s financial commitment to this project has been finalised. |
Queensland | Major projects completed under the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program include Townsville Northern Access, Sandy Gully Bridge Upgrade, Cattle and Frances Creek upgrade (south of Ingham), Townsville Ring Road Stage 4, Mackay Ring Road – Stage 1, Yeppen Flood Plain Upgrade (Rockhampton), Cooroy to Curra Sections A and C and Boundary Road Interchange (Narangba). |
Queensland | Safety improvements delivered as part of Bruce Highway Upgrade Program include hundreds of kilometres of wide centre line treatments, shoulder sealing and audio tactile line markings, 30 new rest areas/stopping places and various intersection improvements (such as protected right-hand turns) along the corridor. |
Queensland | The $635 million Warrego Highway Upgrade Program is complete. |
Western Australia | Four telecommunications base stations were completed in 2020-21 under the Regional Telecommunications Project. |
Western Australia | 98 Route development and management plans for the rural WA network have been completed. |
Western Australia | The Smart Freeway (Kwinana Northbound) became fully operational in August 2020. |
Western Australia | The third and final section of the NorthLink WA road initiative, a 22km dual carriageway between Ellenbrook and Muchea, was completed in April 2020. |
South Australia | Sturt Highway - Renmark to Gawler: Shoulder Sealing and curve widening works completed in June 2021 (Roads of Strategic Importance). |
South Australia | Initial safety works under the Rural Roads Package have been completed with the full package of works expected to be open to traffic by December 2022. |
South Australia | The upgrade to motorway standard under the North-South Corridor: Darlington Upgrade Project of approximately 3.3km of the existing Main South Road was open to traffic in July 2020. |
South Australia | The six-lane, 15.5km Northern Connector Project motorway opened to traffic in March 2021. |
South Australia | A new 1.8km section of non-stop motorway connects completed motorway sections of the North-South Corridor: South Road- Regency to Pym Street project, resulting in a 47km non-stop motorway between Gawler and the River Torrens. The Regency Road overpass opened to traffic in late March 2021. |
South Australia | The Adelaide to Tarcoola re-railing project was completed in early 2021. |
South Australia | Major construction works for the Main North/McIntyre/Kings Road intersection upgrade commenced in late January 2021 and the project opened to traffic in June 2021. |
South Australia |
Tasmania | 22 projects have been delivered to date to improve safety for passenger and freight users on the Midland Highway. |
Northern Territory | In late 2020, the freight and cold storage facility at Darwin International Airport was completed under the NT Airports Expansion Program and is now fully operational. |
Northern Territory | Under the Remote Telecommunications Co-investment Program, four sites have been completed to date. |
Australian Capital Territory | The first project under the Monaro Highway and Pialligo Avenue Improvements Program, namely safety improvements on the Monaro Highway near the NSW border, was completed and opened to traffic in mid 2020. |
Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory | 13 projects under the Northern Australia Roads Program have been completed. Projects included upgrades and safety and productivity improvements, such as road widening, overtaking lane construction and pavement renewal. |
Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory | The Northern Australia Beef Roads Program is in its final staged with 17 projects completed. |
New South Wales | The Sydney Airport Road Upgrades have been completed. |
New South Wales | Duplication of the Pacific Highway from Hexham to the Queensland border was completed in December 2020 following the completion of the Woolgoolga to Ballina section. |
New South Wales | The NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy Framework initiative is complete. Transport for NSW has also published a Performance Based Standards (PBS) 2B Tier 1 network. |
Action Area 2
Enable improved supply chain efficiency
Location | Description |
National | The Australian Government’s Your Career website was launched in October 2020 ( A dedicated freight and supply chain page has also been created on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Jobs Hub. |
National | As at 30 June 2021, there has been more than $22 million allocated to 89 projects across five rounds of the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative. In 2020-21, $5.5 million was provided for round five of the program. |
National | The National Urban Freight Planning Principles were endorsed by Infrastructure and Transport Ministers on 28 May 2021. |
Western Australia | The campaign “Thank Freight for That!” resulted in an increased awareness of the role of freight by the community. The campaign ran 23 November 2020 to 20 December 2020 and had 600,000 views. |
Western Australia | WA has established and implemented a Performance Based Standards policy that is supported by a suite of guidelines relating to the application process, assessment process, access arrangements and auditing regime. |
Western Australia | The first Outback Way works package to seal the Great Central Road is well underway, with 20km of the first 40km now sealed. |
Tasmania | Direct international flights between Hobart and Auckland re-commenced in April 2021 after more than 20 years. |
Tasmania | The Time Traffic Congestion Management System is now fully operational and in use within the Traffic Management Centre. |
Tasmania | Traffic Signal infrastructure upgrades and the installation of smart traffic management technology under the Launceston City Deal is complete. |
New South Wales | The NSW Government’s first smart motorway, the M4 Smart Motorway project, was permanently switched on in December 2020 to introduce intelligent technology to the M4 Motorway between Pitt Street, Mays Hill and Mulgoa Road, Penrith. |
Action Area 3
Better planning, regulation and coordination
Location | Description |
National | The Australian Transport Assessment and Planning urban freight modelling guidelines were finalised in April 2021. The guidelines will ensure consistency in modelling freight demand, or heavy vehicle movements, in urban transport models across jurisdictions. They are available at |
National | The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Return of Delegations Project officially concluded on 30 June 2020 and the NHVR now processes all heavy vehicle road access applications and issues permits in all participating states and territories. |
National | Under the Performance-Based Standards scheme, the revised Frontal Swing Standard was implemented in April 2020 and the Stability Under Braking (DSUB) standard was endorsed by Infrastructure and Transport Ministers in May 2021. |
National | 31 of the 38 recommendations of the Oversize Overmass (OSOM) Vehicle Access Arrangements Review have been completed. The remaining seven recommendations will be progressed through the National Transport Commissions proposed work plan for the Heavy Vehicle National Law review. |
National | In 2020–21, the first phase of the Simplified Trade System (STS) agenda was completed. A whole of government STS Implementation Taskforce has been established in the Trade Portfolio. |
National | The Productivity Commission released its final report on National Transport Regulatory Reform on 1 October 2020 ( |
National | The National Emerging Aviation Technologies Policy statement was released in May 2021. |
South Australia | The Planning and Design Code came into effect in the urban areas of South Australia from 19 March 2021. |
New South Wales | Transport for NSW has published the Last Mile Toolkit. |
New South Wales | Contract for the amplification of the Southern Sydney Freight Line has been awarded. |
Action Area 4
Better freight location and performance data
Location | Description |
National | Phase 1 of the Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard has been complete and will be released on the National Freight Data Hub later in 2021. |
National | The Inland Rail supply chain baseline mapping using TraNSIT was completed in 2021. |
National |
Since the 2019 International benchmarking of key import and export supply chains pilot, continued progress on developing and providing international benchmarking capability has included:
National | The National Freight Data Hub prototype website was launched in May 2021 as an early demonstration of the value of improved freight data. The website includes 125 datasets in the first curated and searchable national freight data catalogue. |
New South Wales | A “NSW Freight Data Hub” on the Transport for NSW website that links multiple sources of data to support evidence-driven decisions has been completed. |